Software Developer: AAS

Software Developer: AAS

Associate in Applied Science | 61 credit hours minimum

Area of Interest: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Program Website

Academic Advising

Program Description:

The Associate in Applied Science Software Developer degree provides students with the technical skills and knowledge required to design, write, implement, secure, and maintain software systems in the enterprise. It teaches the principles of software architecture and data analysis using current development tools, languages, and environments. The courses on Web design, software developer, and database focus areas enable students to pursue in-depth skill and expertise within one of these three areas while preparing for industry recognized certifications. The courses in the program provide a combination of distance learning and classroom-based in-depth hands-on skills development. Students completing the program are prepared for a variety of industry certification exams as well as entry-level employment as a software developer, or to pursue advanced studies in software design and development.

Locations. This program is offered at Forest Park and Meramec by taking a mixture of face-to-face and online courses.

Related Programs.  The Computer and Information Technology Department offers certificates in the following areas:

Database Developer, Certificate of Proficiency

Web Developer, Certificate of Specialization

Cost of Attendance.  For more information on cost of attendance visit MoSCORES

Program Career and Salary Information.  Pursuant to Missouri HB 1606 (2018), information regarding the number of credit hours, program length, employment rate, wage data, and graduates employed in careers related to their program of study at St. Louis Community College can be found at the following URL: Search using School / Program “St. Louis Community College” and choose the degree or credential type of interest. 

The following limitations to the data apply: Information provided is based on the most recent cohorts available. Typically, most recent cohorts for wage and completion data are six years prior to the current academic year. Time to complete a program of study varies depending on the number of credit hours students earn per semester.

Interested in this program? Start the enrollment process by visiting the Apply to STLCC page.   

At the completion of the program, students are expected to:

  1. demonstrate technical skills based on industry standards to design, write, implement, secure, and maintain software systems.
  2. modify existing software incorporating new functions to support specific project goals.
  3. develop software solutions following industry best practices as a member of a team.
  4. demonstrate proficiency in a selected focus area (Traditonal, Web, or Database) by developing a portfolio of projects completed during courses related to the focus area.
  5. perform data analysis by importing, manipulating, documenting, and displaying source information.
  6. utilize software architecture principles to design scalable, maintainable, and secure applications that meet enterprise needs.

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

Program of Study

General Education
ENG 101College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3
ENG 103Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)3
or ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
Mathematics Requirement: Choose One3
Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110) (or MTH 180S)
Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130) (or MTH 160S)
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3
COM 103Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)3
or COM 112 Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or COM 201 Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or PSY 200 General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or PHL 102 Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
Program Requirements
IS 101Keyboarding1
or IS 123 Introduction to Windows
or IS 136 Internet Fundamentals
or IS 165 Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
IS 120Introduction to Excel1
IS 112Introduction to Computer Science3
IS 139Web Publishing3
IS 153C# Programming I4
or IS 187 Java Programming I
or IS 167 C++ Programming I
or IS 166 C# and Java Programming I
IS 168GitHub for Developers1
IS 225Database Management4
IS 229Unix/Linux I3
IS 237Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3
IS 280Python3
IS 241Software Engineering Principles3
Select one of the following options:8
C# Language
C# Programming II
and C# Programming III
Java Language
Java Programming II
and Java Programming III
C++ and Analytics
C++ Programming II
Big Data Analytics
and Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
Select one of the following tracks:9
Language Track
Web Track
Database Track
Total Credit Hours61


Language Track

IS 290C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework3
or IS 294 Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or IS 296 Java Frameworks: Spring
IS 265Web Scripting Technologies3
IS 285Excel for Data Analytics3
or IS 291 Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or IS 294 Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or IS 296 Java Frameworks: Spring
or IT 121 Secure E-Commerce
Total Credit Hours9

Web Track

IS 141Graphics for the Web3
IS 265Web Scripting Technologies3
IS 142Web Development3
or IS 290 C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework
or IS 291 Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or IT 121 Secure E-Commerce
Total Credit Hours9

Database Track

IS 240SQL and Database Development3
IS 285Excel for Data Analytics3
IS 257Big Data Analytics3
or IS 268 SQL Server Programming
or IS 276 Oracle Programming
or IS 291 Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or IT 121 Secure E-Commerce
Total Credit Hours9

Database Track Full-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading ProficiencySee IS Dept. for advising options.
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to Program Coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
Credit Hours15
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading ProficiencyMTH 160S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree.
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading Proficiency1st or 2nd 8-week class
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours15
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours3
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 257 Big Data Analytics3IS 225 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 165 Computer Applications-Microsoft Project1Reading Proficiency
IS 240 SQL and Database Development3IS 225 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3  
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 285 Excel for Data Analytics3IS 120 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in MTH 160 (or MTH 160S) or MTH 180 (or MTH 180S) with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyApply for graduation.
IS 268 SQL Server Programming
or Oracle Programming
3IS 240 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyOther 3 credit elective options are: IS 291, IT 121, or IS 257 (if not already completed).
Credit Hours12
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Database Track Part-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to your program coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading ProficiencyFirst or Second 8-week class
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
Credit Hours6
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading Proficiency
IS 257 Big Data Analytics3IS 225 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 165 Computer Applications-Microsoft Project1Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours10
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 240 SQL and Database Development3IS 225 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading Proficiency
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours6
Third Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 268 SQL Server Programming
or Oracle Programming
3IS 240 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 285 Excel for Data Analytics3IS 120 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in MTH 160 (or MTH 160S) or MTH 180 (or MTH 180S) with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics3 Apply for graduation.
Credit Hours3
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Language Track Full-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading ProficiencySee IS Dept. for Advising options.
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to Program Coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
or Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
Credit Hours15
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading ProficiencyMTH 160S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree.
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading Proficiency1st or 2nd 8-week class
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours15
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours3
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 283
or 288
or IS 257 and IS 165
C# Programming III
or Java Programming III
4IS 253 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 265 Web Scripting Technologies3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3  
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 290 C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework
or Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or Java Frameworks: Spring
3IS 283 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 285 Excel for Data Analytics
or Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or Java Frameworks: Spring
or Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or Secure E-Commerce
3IS 120 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in MTH 160 (or MTH 160S) or MTH 180 (or MTH 180S) with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyApply for graduation.
Credit Hours12
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Language Track Part-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
or Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to your program coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading ProficiencyFirst or Second 8-week class
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
Credit Hours6
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading Proficiency
IS 283
or 288
or IS 257 and IS 165
C# Programming III
or Java Programming III
4IS 253 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours10
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading Proficiency
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 265 Web Scripting Technologies3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours6
Third Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 290 C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework
or Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or Java Frameworks: Spring
3IS 283 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 285 Excel for Data Analytics
or Java Frameworks: Struts and Hibernate
or Java Frameworks: Spring
or Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or Secure E-Commerce
3IS 120 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in MTH 160 (or MTH 160S) or MTH 180 (or MTH 180S) with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics3 Apply for graduation.
Credit Hours3
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Web Track Full-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading ProficiencySee IS Dept. for advising options.
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to Program Coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
or Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
Credit Hours15
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading ProficiencyMTH 160S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree.
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading Proficiency1st or 2nd 8-week class
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours15
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours3
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 283
or 288
or IS 257 and IS 165
C# Programming III
or Java Programming III
4IS 253 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 141 Graphics for the Web3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3  
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 265 Web Scripting Technologies3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyApply for graduation.
IS 142 Web Development
or C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework
or Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or Secure E-Commerce
3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in IS 265 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours12
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Web Track Part-Time Academic Plan

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 153 C# Programming I
or C++ Programming I
or Java Programming I
or C# and Java Programming I
4Reading ProficiencySpeak to Program Coordinator before enrolling in IS 166.
IS 120 Introduction to Excel1Reading Proficiency
IS 139 Web Publishing3Reading Proficiency
IS 101 Keyboarding
or Introduction to Windows
or Internet Fundamentals
or Computer Applications-Microsoft Project
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 168 GitHub for Developers1Reading ProficiencyFirst or Second 8-week class
IS 253 C# Programming II
or Java Programming II
or C++ Programming II
4IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 or IS 166 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 225 Database Management4Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 229 Unix/Linux I3Reading Proficiency
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
Credit Hours6
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 280 Python3Reading Proficiency
IS 141 Graphics for the Web3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
COM 103 Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)
or Introduction to Logic (MOTR PHIL 101)
3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 237 Fundamentals of Information Assurance/Security - CompTIA Security+3IT 102 or IS 229 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading Proficiency
IS 112 Introduction to Computer Science3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours9
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)
or Report Writing (MOTR ENGL 110)
3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
IS 265 Web Scripting Technologies3IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours6
Third Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
IS 241 Systems Analysis and Design3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", and IS 139 or IS 253 or IS 267 or IS 287 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading ProficiencyCapstone class: Take at end of program.
IS 142 Web Development
or C# Frameworks: .NET Web App Framework
or Workplace Learning: Computer and Information Technology
or Secure E-Commerce
3IS 153 or IS 167 or IS 187 with a minimum grade of "C", IS 139 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in IS 265 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
IS 283
or 288
or IS 257 and IS 165
C# Programming III
or Java Programming III
4IS 253 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours10
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics3 Apply for graduation.
Credit Hours3
Total Credit Hours61

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor.