About St. Louis Community College

St. Louis Community College offers a challenging learning environment that points students in directions that lead to success.

Since voters in St. Louis City and County established the college in 1962, STLCC has been enriching lives and contributing to the economic development of the metropolitan area. The college has a $2 billion overall financial impact on the St. Louis region annually.

Each year, nearly 80,000 students enroll in college transfer and career programs; job skill, personal development, and college preparatory classes; and customized programs sponsored by employers. Associate degrees in Applied Science, Arts, Fine Arts, Science, and Teaching, Bachelor of Science, as well as certificates of proficiency and specialization are offered. The college’s Workforce Solutions Group also serves the local business community through assessment, counseling, consulting, and training services.

Learning is geographically accessible through four campuses: Florissant Valley in North County, Forest Park in the city’s central corridor, Meramec to the southwest, and to the far west, Wildwood; two education centers in south St. Louis County and North St. Louis; numerous business, industrial, and neighborhood sites throughout the metropolitan area; and online and hybrid courses via the Internet.

Governed by a board of seven elected trustees and supported by local taxes, state funds, and student fees, the college has a total operating budget of $202.8 million. Accreditation is through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. St. Louis Community College focuses its resources on helping students find the right academic and career pathways.

Through its alumni and community partnerships, the college is helping St. Louis become the best place to live and work in the 21st century.


Economic Value

St. Louis Community College is your best financial investment now – and a great investment for your future. Student fees at STLCC are among the lowest in the area.

A large portion of instructional costs is financed by tax revenue; therefore, you pay less for a high-quality academic experience. And graduates of STLCC are the region’s best economic investment.

  • Research shows that for every $1 invested in their STLCC education, students receive a return on that investment of more than $4.70 in higher future income over their working careers.
  • From a taxpayer perspective, every $1 of state or local tax money invested in STLCC returns $2.80.
  • STLCC’s annual impact on St. Louis is $2.5 billion or approximately 2.2 percent of the total St. Louis area economy. The activities of STLCC and its students support 32,371 jobs – that’s one out of every 34 jobs in the St. Louis area.
  • For every dollar invested in STLCC in FY 2017-18, people in Missouri will receive $10.80 in return, for as long as STLCC’s FY 2017-18 students remain active in the workforce.
  • It is estimated that the St. Louis area economy annually receives a net of over $145 million in added labor and non-labor income due to STLCC operations.
  • Compared to someone with only a high school diploma, associate degree graduates earn approximately $10,100 more per year in the St. Louis area.

Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc., 2019


Empowering students. Expanding minds. Changing lives.


St. Louis Community College will be a national leader and model institution for inclusive and transformative education that strengthens the communities we serve through the success of our students.


Students First

Everything we do supports student success and removes barriers.

Respect for All

We promote equitable treatment and respectful discourse in all interactions with students, each other, and the community.


We act with honesty, trustworthiness, and ethical behavior.


Working collectively, we achieve more than working individually or within separate groups.

Data Informed

We make decisions in the best interest of students and the institution based on reliable data.