Human Services: AAS
Associate in Applied Science | 60 credit hours minimum
Area of Interest: Education, Public Service, and Social Sciences
Program Description:
The Associate in Applied Science degree in Human Services provides students with a basic social science framework and perspective for pursuing an entry-level position in the field of human services. The program also provides currently employed human service workers the opportunity to upgrade their skills and abilities. Students are taught a specific body of theoretical knowledge and practice skills to integrate into the helping professions.
Students are introduced to human service organizations and resources designed to meet human needs. Students learn to identify various helping strategies and techniques for working with people. Persons interested in this program should enjoy working with people, should possess good communications and problem solving skills, and have a positive attitude about themselves and others.
Graduates are qualified for positions as alcoholism/drug abuse assistants, house parents, nursing home activity therapy assistants, case workers, corrections officers, vocational rehabilitation workers, teacher’s aides for exceptional children, and personal assistant. These positions are available in the areas of social welfare, mental health, juvenile and adult correctional programs, geriatrics, education, and related fields in business, industry, and health care.
Location. This program is offered in its entirety at Forest Park.
Related Programs. The Human Services Department offers a certificate in the following area:
Addictions Study, Certificate of Specialization
Cost of Attendance. For more information on cost of attendance visit MoSCORES.
Program Career and Salary Information. Pursuant to Missouri HB 1606 (2018), information regarding the number of credit hours, program length, employment rate, wage data, and graduates employed in careers related to their program of study at St. Louis Community College can be found at the following URL: https://scorecard.mo.gov/scorecard/. Search using School / Program “St. Louis Community College” and choose the degree or credential type of interest.
The following limitations to the data apply: Information provided is based on the most recent cohorts available. Typically, most recent cohorts for wage and completion data are six years prior to the current academic year. Time to complete a program of study varies depending on the number of credit hours students earn per semester.
Interested in this program? Start the enrollment process by visiting the Apply to STLCC page.
At the completion of the program, students are expected to:
- use theory and evidence based practice to evaluate intervention strategies.
- describe the roles of an entry level human service practitioner at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of client service.
- identify the ways that clients may be affected by the student's personal values, beliefs, experiences, and identities.
- analyze client information to construct professional notes and reports.
- describe intervention strategies and services to address conditions that inhibit human functioning.
- analyze the effect of social policy on the delivery of human services.
Missouri Civics Examination. Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.
Program of Study
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
General Education | ||
ENG 101 | College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100) | 3 |
ENG 102 | College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200) | 3 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (MOTR SOCI 101) | 3 |
XXX xxx | Social & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement | 3 |
PSY 200 | General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100) | 3 |
PSY 205 | Human Growth and Development (MOTR PSYC 200) | 3 |
BIO 111 | Introductory Biology I (MOTR BIOL 100L) | 4 |
MTH 180 | Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110) 1 | 3 |
or MTH 161 | Quantitative Reasoning (MOTR MATH 120) | |
Program Requirements | ||
HMS 100 | Introduction to Human Services | 3 |
HMS 101 | Human Services: Theories and Skills | 3 |
HMS 102 | Human Services: Policy and Politics | 3 |
HMS 111 | Group Practice in Human Services | 3 |
HMS 201 | Workplace Learning I: Human Services | 3 |
HMS 202 | Workplace Learning II: Human Services | 3 |
HMS 203 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar I | 3 |
HMS 204 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar II | 3 |
HMS 205 | Crisis Intervention | 3 |
PRD 128 | Mental Health First Aid | 1 |
SOC 126 | The Spectrum of Drugs and Society | 3 |
SOC 211 | Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence | 3 |
HW 124 | Community CPR | 1 |
Total Credit Hours | 60 |
- 1
MTH 161S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree.
Full-Time Academic Plan
Missouri Civics Examination. Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.
PLEASE NOTE: If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements. Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.
First Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (MOTR SOCI 101) | 3 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
ENG 101 | College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100) | 3 | Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
HMS 100 | Introduction to Human Services | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
PSY 200 | General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100) | 3 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
PRD 128 | Mental Health First Aid | 1 | Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 13 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
SOC 126 | The Spectrum of Drugs and Society | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
SOC 211 | Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
ENG 102 | College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200) | 3 | ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 101 | Human Services: Theories and Skills | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 111 | Group Practice in Human Services | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 15 | |||
Second Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
BIO 111 | Introductory Biology I (MOTR BIOL 100L) | 4 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
PSY 205 | Human Growth and Development (MOTR PSYC 200) | 3 | PSY 200 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 102 | Human Services: Policy and Politics | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 205 | Crisis Intervention | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 203 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar I | 3 | HMS 100 and HMS 101 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 201 | Workplace Learning I: Human Services | 3 | HMS 100 and HMS 101 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 19 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 204 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar II | 3 | HMS 100, HMS 101, HMS 201 and HMS 203 all with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 202 | Workplace Learning II: Human Services | 3 | HMS 201 and HMS 203 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
MTH 161 or 180 | Quantitative Reasoning (MOTR MATH 120) or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110) | 3 | Satisfactory score on placement test and Reading Proficiency | MTH 161S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree. |
XXX xxx | Social & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement | 3 | ||
HW 124 | Community CPR | 1 | ||
Credit Hours | 13 | |||
Total Credit Hours | 60 |
*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.
**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.
*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice. Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor.
Part-Time Academic Plan
Missouri Civics Examination. Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.
PLEASE NOTE: If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements. Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.
First Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 100 | Introduction to Human Services | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
ENG 101 | College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100) | 3 | Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 101 | Human Services: Theories and Skills | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
ENG 102 | College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200) | 3 | ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Summer | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HW 124 | Community CPR | 1 | ||
Credit Hours | 1 | |||
Second Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 102 | Human Services: Policy and Politics | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (MOTR SOCI 101) | 3 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 205 | Crisis Intervention | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
PSY 200 | General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100) | 3 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Summer | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
PRD 128 | Mental Health First Aid | 1 | Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 1 | |||
Third Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
PSY 205 | Human Growth and Development (MOTR PSYC 200) | 3 | PSY 200 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency | |
BIO 111 | Introductory Biology I (MOTR BIOL 100L) | 4 | Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079 | |
Credit Hours | 7 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
SOC 126 | The Spectrum of Drugs and Society | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
SOC 211 | Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Summer | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
XXX xxx | Social & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement | 3 | ||
Credit Hours | 3 | |||
Fourth Year | ||||
Fall | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 111 | Group Practice in Human Services | 3 | Reading Proficiency | |
MTH 180 or 161 | Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110) or Quantitative Reasoning (MOTR MATH 120) | 3 | Satisfactory scores on placement test, and Reading Proficiency | MTH 161S or MTH 180S will also fulfill this requirement, but only 3 credits will apply toward the degree. |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Spring | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 201 | Workplace Learning I: Human Services | 3 | HMS 100 and HMS 101 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
HMS 203 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar I | 3 | HMS 100 and HMS 101 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Summer | Credit Hours | Prerequisites | Milestones/Notes | |
HMS 202 | Workplace Learning II: Human Services | 3 | HMS 201 and HMS 203 with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | Apply for graduation. |
HMS 204 | Human Services Workplace Learning Seminar II | 3 | HMS 100, HMS 101, HMS 201 and HMS 203 all with grades of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency | |
Credit Hours | 6 | |||
Total Credit Hours | 60 |
*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.
**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.
*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice. Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor.