Business Administration: AA

Business Administration: AA

Associate in Arts | 61 credit hours minimum

Area of Interest: Business, Culinary Arts, and Hospitality

Program Website

Academic Advising

Program Description:

The Associate in Arts in Business Administration degree program meets the general education requirements (42 MOTR Credits), and, offers a seamless transfer into business programs at four-year colleges and universities.  This program provides students the opportunity to complete the first two years of study toward a bachelor’s degree in business or a business related field. 

Locations. This program is offered in its entirety at Meramec and Online.  Students may be able to complete the program at Florissant Valley, Forest Park, and Wildwood by taking a mixture of face-to-face and online courses.  

Cost of Attendance.  For more information on cost of attendance visit MoSCORES

Program Career and Salary Information.  Pursuant to Missouri HB 1606 (2018), information regarding the number of credit hours, program length, employment rate, wage data, and graduates employed in careers related to their program of study at St. Louis Community College can be found at the following URL: Search using School / Program “St. Louis Community College” and choose the degree or credential type of interest. 

The following limitations to the data apply: Information provided is based on the most recent cohorts available. Typically, most recent cohorts for wage and completion data are six years prior to the current academic year. Time to complete a program of study varies depending on the number of credit hours students earn per semester.

Interested in this program? Start the enrollment process by visiting the Apply to STLCC page.   

At the completion of the program, students are expected to:

  1. explore and integrate ideas and concepts from diverse fields of academic study to further academic, personal, and professional inquiry.
  2. use quantitative and qualitative skills to define problems, and communication skills to propose solutions.
  3. identify and apply contributions from a range of academic disciplines to conceptualize and explain enduring and contemporary business issues.
  4. analyze the ethical implications of choices that reflect cultural, religious, economic, or historic perspectives or experiences.
  5. explain how the primary functions of business interact to achieve organizational goals.
  6. analyze and apply internal and external sources of data to propose solutions for strategic decision making.

Program of Study 

General Education
Written Communications6
Oral Communications3
ECO 151Principles of Macroeconomics (MOTR ECON 101)3
ECO 152Principles of Microeconomics (MOTR ECON 102)3
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3
Select one of the following math courses:3-4
Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130) (or MTH 160S)
Survey of Calculus (or higher)
XXX xxxHumanities and Fine Arts Electives 19
XXX xxxNatural Sciences Electives with MOTR designation (one lab course required) 27
XXX xxxCORE 42 Elective (any course to reach 42 MOTR credits)5
Choose from the following:
MTH 186 or higher is strongly recommended (excluding any math course taken to meet program requirements); or,
Course(s) designated with a MOTR number
Program Requirements
ACC 110Financial Accounting4
ACC 114Managerial Accounting3
BUS 104Introduction to Business Administration3
BUS 201Elementary Business Statistics (Recommended)3
or MTH 180 Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
Select 2 of the following:6
Business Law 3
Legal Environment of Business
Fundamentals of Finance 3
International Business 3
Computer Literacy 3
Business Organization and Management 3
Principles of Marketing 3
Total Credit Hours61-62

There is a limit of three (3) credit hours of Performance courses that can be applied to the Humanities and Fine Arts Knowledge Area and to the total CORE 42.  Students must complete nine (9) credit hours from at least two (2) different disciplines.


Students must complete seven (7) credit hours from at least two (2) different disciplines.  One course must contain a laboratory component. 


Students are encouraged to check with an advisor at the transferring institution to determine if these credits will transfer.

Full-Time Academic Plan 

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
XXX xxxOral Communications3 COM 101 or COM 107 is recommended.
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130) 1
or Survey of Calculus
3-4MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading ProficiencyMTH 160S will also apply but only 3 credit hours will apply to the degree. Mathematics courses above MTH 186 may also apply toward the mathematics requirement.
XXX xxxSocial & Behavioral Sciences: Civics Requirement3 HST 101 or HST 102 is recommended.
BUS 104 Introduction to Business Administration3Reading Proficiency
Credit Hours15-16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ECO 151 Principles of Macroeconomics (MOTR ECON 101)3Concurrent enrollment in MTH 140S, or placement into MTH 140, MTH 160 or MTH 185, and Reading Proficiency
XXX xxxNatural Science course with MOTR designation3 One science course must include a lab. Check with transfer school for best option.
ACC 110 Financial Accounting4ACC 100 with a minimum grade of "C" or a high school accounting course or department approval, and Reading Proficiency
XXX xxxHumanities & Fine Arts elective with MOTR designation3 Check with transfer school for best option.
Credit Hours16
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ECO 152 Principles of Microeconomics (MOTR ECON 102)3Concurrent enrollment in MTH 140S, or placement into MTH 140, MTH 160, or MTH 185, and Reading Proficiency
XXX xxxHumanities & Fine Arts elective with MOTR designation3 Check with transfer school for best option.
ACC 114 Managerial Accounting3ACC 110 with minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
BUS 201 Elementary Business Statistics
or Introductory Statistics (MOTR MATH 110)
3MTH 160 with a minimum grade of "C" or MTH 185 or higher with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
XXX xxxNatural Science course with MOTR designation4 One science course must include a lab. Check with transfer school for best option.
Credit Hours16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxHumanities & Fine Arts elective with MOTR designation3 Check with transfer school for best option.
XXX xxxAny course with MOTR designation 5 MTH 186 is highly recommended.
XXX xxxApproved Business Elective3 See approved elective option below. Check with transfer school for best option.
XXX xxxApproved Business Elective3 See approved elective option below. Check with transfer school for best option.
Credit Hours14
Total Credit Hours61-62

Approved Business Electives 

BLW 101Business Law3
or BLW 201 Legal Environment of Business
FIN 201Fundamentals of Finance3
IB 100International Business3
IS 116Computer Literacy3
MGT 204Business Organization and Management3
MKT 203Principles of Marketing3

The following math courses do not apply towards the mathematics requirement: MTH 161, MTH 161S, MTH 166, MTH 170, MTH 180, MTH 180S, and MTH 185.

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor. 

Focus Areas

These focus areas are intended for students who plan to transfer to the University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL), after completion of their associate's degree at St. Louis Community College.  Your official degree that you will be pursuing at St. Louis Community College within these focus areas is the Associate in Arts - Business Administration.


Focus Area: Accounting


Focus Area: Business