Focus Area: Psychology

This focus area is intended for students who plan to major in Psychology at a 4 year college or university, after completion of their associate's degree at St. Louis Community College.  Your official degree that you will be pursuing at St. Louis Community College within this focus area is the Associate in Arts - General Transfer Studies.

Focus Area: Psychology Full-Time Academic Plan 

This academic plan is a recommended sequence for this pathway. It serves asgeneral guideline to help you build a course schedule each term that supports your timely completion. The College has made every effort to ensure its accuracy. However, the map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about your degree requirements.

Missouri Civics Examination.  Students entering college for the very first time in fall 2019 and who intend to complete an associate’s degree must successfully complete a civics examination. Information on who is eligible for a waiver can be found on the STLCC website.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you originally enrolled at STLCC prior to Spring 2025, you may need to view an archived catalog for your correct program requirements.  Please speak with an advisor or the program coordinator for more information.

This academic plan is for students who intend to major in the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.  

New PlanGrids
First Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 101 College Composition I (MOTR ENGL 100)3Placement score or ENG 030 or ENG 070 with a grade of "C" or better or recommendation of department and Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079This fulfills part of the written communications requirement.
PSY 200 General Psychology (MOTR PSYC 100)3Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079This fulfills part of the social and behavioral science requirement.
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I (MOTR LANG 103)
or Elementary French I (MOTR LANG 101)
or Elementary German I (MOTR LANG 105)
4Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the humanities requirement.
MTH 160 Precalculus Algebra (MOTR MATH 130)
or Precalculus Algebra with Support (MOTR MATH 130)
or Precalculus (MOTR MATH 150)
3-5MTH 140 (or MTH 140S) with a minimum grade of "C" or satisfactory score on placement test, and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills the mathematics requirement.
Credit Hours13-15
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
ENG 102 College Composition II (MOTR ENGL 200)3ENG 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the written communications requirement.
BIO 111 Introductory Biology I (MOTR BIOL 100L) 14Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079This fulfills part of the natural science requirement and will fulfill the natural science with lab requirement.
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II (MOTR LANG 104)
or Elementary French II (MOTR LANG 102)
or Elementary German II (MOTR LANG 106)
4SPA 101 with a minimum grade of "C" or 2 years of high school Spanish and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the humanities requirement.
COM 101 Oral Communication I (MOTR COMM 100)
or Small Group Communication (MOTR COMM 125)
or Public Speaking (MOTR COMM 110)
or Interpersonal Communication (MOTR COMM 120)
or Argumentation and Debate (MOTR COMM 220)
3Concurrent enrollment in ENG 070 or Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills the oral communications requirement.
Credit Hours14
Summer Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
MCE 100 Missouri Civics Examination0
HST 101 United States History to 1865 (MOTR HIST 101)
or United States History from 1865 to the Present (MOTR HIST 102)
or Introduction to American Politics (MOTR POSC 101)
3Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079This fulfills the civics requirement.
PSY 205 Human Growth and Development (MOTR PSYC 200)3PSY 200 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the social and behavioral science requirement.
Credit Hours6
Second Year
Fall Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
GEO 103 Environmental Geology (MOTR GEOL 100)
or Earth Science (MOTR PHYS 110ES)
or Human Biology (MOTR LIFS 100)
or Biology of Human Health and Disease (MOTR LIFS 100D)
or The Biology of Human Sex (MOTR LIFS 100R)
or Physical Science (MOTR PHYS 110)
3Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the natural science requirement.
PHL 103 World Religions (MOTR RELG 100)
or World Literature (MOTR LITR 200)
3Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079This fulfills part of the humanities requirement.
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I
or Intermediate French I
or Intermediate German I
4SPA 102 with a minimum grade of "C" or 3 or more years of high school Spanish, and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the elective requirement.
PSY 206 Introduction to Social Psychology3PSY 200 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the elective requirement.
XXX xxxElective3 See recommended elective listed below.
Credit Hours16
Spring Credit Hours Prerequisites Milestones/Notes
XXX xxxCORE 42 Elective3 Choose any ANT, SOC, ECO, PSC MOTR course.
PSY 208 Abnormal Psychology3PSY 200 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the elective requirement.
XXX xxxElective3 See recommended elective listed below.
PHL 109 Bio-Medical Ethics3Reading ProficiencyThis fulfills part of the elective requirement.
Credit Hours12
Total Credit Hours61-63

If student is interested in the Bachelor of Science - Psychology, BIO 140, CHM 105, or PHY 111 are recommended for the lab science requirement.  The science requirement must be from two different disciplines.

Recommended Electives 

CRJ 101American Correctional System3
CRJ 122Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ 124Criminal Law and Procedures3
PSY 203Child Psychology3
or PSY 214 Adolescent Psychology
SOC 101Introduction to Sociology (MOTR SOCI 101)3
SOC 202Social Problems (MOTR SOCI 201)3
SOC 203Introduction to Criminology (MOTR CRIM 205)3
SOC 211Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence3

*Click on the hyperlinked course number to view additional information about the course.

**Students completing a course that has been assigned a MOTR number may transfer that course to any public institution in Missouri. Those who complete CORE 42 requirements will have that verification on their transcript.

*** It is your responsibility to verify that the courses listed above will transfer to the four-year institution of your choice.  Maximize your transfer credits/classes by meeting with an academic advisor.