Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)

Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)

Course Descriptions

OTA 101. Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy. 3 Credit Hours.

Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy is an introduction to occupational therapy, its history and philosophy, theory, and current practice patterns. It includes skills in evidence-based practice, leadership, and inter-professional and intra-professional teamwork. Fieldwork experience in an emerging practice area is included.
Prerequisites: Admission to the OTA program and Reading Proficiency

OTA 102. Occupational Therapy in Psychosocial Settings and the Community. 4 Credit Hours.

Occupational Therapy in Psychosocial Settings and the Community introduces occupational therapy treatment related to psychosocial dysfunction across the lifespan. Students learn basic psychiatric terms, diagnoses, and behaviors as well as how occupational performance is affected. Community-based Occupational Therapy practice is also explored through a community-based fieldwork experience.
Prerequisites: OTA 101, OTA 103, OTA 110, PSY 205, all with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency

OTA 103. The Occupational Therapy Process. 2 Credit Hours.

The Occupational Therapy Process introduces the scope of Occupational Therapy (OT) practice and emphasizes the OT Process of evaluation, intervention, and outcomes. Students develop skills in therapeutic use of self, data collection, activity analysis, and intervention planning and implementation.
Prerequisites: Admission to the OTA program and Reading Proficiency

OTA 104. Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation I. 2 Credit Hours.

Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation I expands the basic skills learned in the first semester of the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Topics focus on problem areas commonly seen in physical dysfunction affecting occupational performance in adults and older adults. Skills learned in this course include, but are not limited to, acquiring patient vitals, seating and positioning, functional mobility, orthotic fabrication, environmental assessment and intervention, driving, worker rehabilitation, and virtual service delivery.
Prerequisites: OTA 101, OTA 103, OTA 110, PSY 205, all with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency

OTA 110. Kinesiology Fundamentals for Occupational Therapy Practice. 3 Credit Hours.

Kinesiology Fundamentals for Occupational Therapy Practice is the study of human movement. It involves applying principles of biomechanics as well as anatomy and physiology of the musculo-skeletal system to functional movement. Emphasis is placed on applying these principles to occupation and the analysis of postures and motions typical of occupational therapy practice.
Prerequisites: Admission to the OTA program and Reading Proficiency

OTA 120. Occupation and Society. 3 Credit Hours.

Occupation and Society explores human occupation through developmental, sociocultural, and policy lenses. The health benefits of engaging in occupation throughout the lifespan for well-being are emphasized.
Prerequisites: OTA 101, OTA 103, and OTA 110 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency

OTA 203. Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation II. 4 Credit Hours.

Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation II builds on skills learned in Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation I, including principles of assessment, interpretation, and intervention implementation for deficits and performance limitations associated with physical dysfunction due to various diagnoses.
Prerequisites: OTA 102, OTA 104, OTA 207, BIO 208, and OTA 120 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 208

OTA 204. Occupational Therapy for Children and Youth. 4 Credit Hours.

Occupational Therapy for Children and Youth focuses on evaluation and intervention techniques and outcomes for the pediatric population. Skills learned include knowledge of developmental and perceptual motor skills, observation, screening, assessment, self-care, feeding, and use of adaptive equipment along with play/leisure treatment strategies.
Prerequisites: OTA 102, OTA 104, OTA 207, OTA 120, BIO 208 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency

OTA 207. Health Promotion and Disease Process. 4 Credit Hours.

Health Promotion and Disease Process provides an overview of disease conditions typically encountered in occupational therapy practice. Health promotion through use of occupation is emphasized. Etiology, symptoms, and the physical as well as psychological reactions to these conditions are explored, along with basic influences contributing to healthy living. There is an emphasis on recognizing and using appropriate medical terminology and the role and function of the occupational therapy assistant within the treatment process.
Prerequisites: OTA 101, OTA 103, OTA 110, PSY 205, with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency

OTA 208. Intervention Strategies for Physical Dysfunction. 2 Credit Hours.

Intervention Strategies for Physical Dysfunction allows students hands-on practice with occupation-based intervention principles that are used to improve occupational performance affected by physical and/or cognitive dysfunction. The focus of this course is to gain entry level occupational therapy assistant skills needed to select and implement strategies that enhance occupational performance through grading and/or adapting activities, modifying environments, and preventing further disability.
Prerequisites: BIO 208, OTA 102, OTA 104, OTA 207, OTA 120 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 203

OTA 213. Occupational Therapy Assistant Practicum I. 4 Credit Hours.

This full-time 8 week fieldwork practicum is designed to bridge the student from classroom to clinic in preparation for entry level practice as an occupational therapy assistant. Under the supervision of an experienced occupational therapy practitioner, the student participates in an in-depth experience providing occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation. It is designed to promote problem-solving and clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role and to develop professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.
Prerequisites: OTA 203, OTA 204, OTA 208, OTA 215, all with a minimum grade of "C", and the completion of all general education requirements for the occupational therapy assistant program and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 216

OTA 214. Occupational Therapy Assistant Practicum II. 4 Credit Hours.

This is the second of two full-time 8 week fieldwork practicum designed to bridge the student from classroom to clinic in preparation for entry level practice as an occupational therapy assistant. Under the supervision of an experienced occupational therapy practitioner, the student participates in an in-depth experience providing occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation. It is designed to promote problem-solving and clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role and to develop professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.
Prerequisites: OTA 203, OTA 204, OTA 208, OTA 215 with minimum grades of "C", and the completion of all general education requirements for the occupational therapy assistant curriculum and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 216

OTA 215. The Management of Occupational Therapy. 2 Credit Hours.

The Management of Occupational Therapy explores the roles of the occupational therapy assistant in health care delivery. A variety of topics, including current trends, documentation, reimbursement, credentialing, ethical standards, inter- and intra-professional teamwork, and quality improvement, are explored to provide students a foundation in the management of occupational therapy service.
Prerequisites: OTA 102, OTA 104, OTA 207, OTA 120, and BIO 208 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency

OTA 216. Seminar in Occupational Therapy Practice. 1 Credit Hour.

Seminar in Occupational Therapy Practice is the program culminating course designed to facilitate the transition from student to Occupational Therapy Assistant practitioner. Basic knowledge and skills necessary to enter the workplace are reviewed. There is an emphasis on legal, ethical, and professional issues. Certification and licensure preparation as well as job seeking skills are investigated.
Prerequisites: OTA 203, OTA 204, OTA 208, and OTA 215 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 220 and OTA 221

OTA 220. Fieldwork Level 2A. 6 Credit Hours.

Fieldwork Level 2A is a full-time 8 week fieldwork practicum, designed to bridge the student from classroom to clinic in preparation for entry-level practice as an occupational therapy assistant. Under the supervision of an experienced occupational therapy practitioner, the student participates in an in-depth experience providing occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation. It is designed to promote problem solving and clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role and to develop professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.
Prerequisites: OTA 203, OTA 204, OTA 208, OTA 215, all with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 216

OTA 221. Fieldwork Level 2B. 6 Credit Hours.

Fieldwork Level 2B is the second of two full-time 8-week fieldwork practicums designed to bridge the student from classroom to clinic in preparation for entry-level practice as an occupational therapy assistant. Under the supervision of an experienced occupational therapy practitioner, the student participates in an in-depth experience providing occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation. It is designed to promote problem solving and clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role and to develop professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.
Prerequisites: OTA 220 with a grade of "S" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: OTA 216