Personal Development (PRD)

Course Descriptions

PRD 102. Career Exploration. 1 Credit Hour.

Career Exploration emphasizes students learning about themselves as well as about the world of work. Students will learn to identify accurate career information and resources. They will also learn a decision making model to assist them in their career selection process.

PRD 108. Personal Growth and Identity. 1 Credit Hour.

Personal Growth and Identity is designed to involve participants in the process of self-exploration and enhancing interaction with others, resulting in a clearer perception of their own uniqueness. The course focuses on individual goals and development.

PRD 109. Habit Change. 1 Credit Hour.

Learn what the experts have discovered about changing a habit; use this information to overcome a self-defeating habit or develop a healthy habit. Possible goals quitting smoking or drinking, starting an exercise program, controlling overeating, etc. Topics will include the stages of change, twelve change processes, and rebounding from relapse.

PRD 114. Coping with Stress. 1 Credit Hour.

This course explores the physical and psychological nature of stress. Topics may include the practical application of various coping strategies, anxiety resolution, systematic desensitization and transferable skills necessary for student success.

PRD 128. Mental Health First Aid. 1 Credit Hour.

Mental Health First Aid is a certification course designed to assist participants in giving first aid to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and/or who are in the early stages of a mental health disorder. The course teaches an appropriate response plan and the signs and symptoms of common health problems anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders and substance use disorders.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency