Engineering Graphics (EGR)
Course Descriptions
EGR 100. Engineering Drawing. 3 Credit Hours.
Engineering Drawing uses a combination of instruments and CAD systems for making drawings. The course includes use of instruments, lettering, geometrical constructions, technical sketching, principles of orthographic projection, pictorial drawing, descriptive geometry, sectional views and conventions, auxiliary views, and dimensioning.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
EGR 133. Introduction to AutoCAD I. 2 Credit Hours.
Introduction to AutoCAD I covers the fundamentals of the AutoCAD drafting system. Students will learn how to create drawings, setup units, limits, layers, linetypes, and colors. Drawing procedures for typical geometric operations are covered. Special features operations including polylines, blocks, dimensioning, cross-hatching, and plotting are also covered.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
EGR 141. Introduction to AutoCAD II. 2 Credit Hours.
Introduction to AutoCAD II is a continuation of Introduction to AutoCAD I (EGR 133). Topics include Blocks, attributes, symbol libraries, bill of material extraction, screen and tablet menus, digitizing drawings, slides and slide shows. This course will also introduction to 3-D modelling languages.
Prerequisites: EGR 133 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
EGR 147. Introduction to Engineering Design. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an introduction to the elements of Engineering Design. Students will learn the history of design, design process, sketching and visualization, geometric relationships, and modeling. Elements of manufacturing production, marketing, analysis, and quality control will also be studied. Students will learn presentation techniques and develop a portfolio.
EGR 230. Introduction to Revit. 4 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Revit will provide instruction using Revit software for building information modeling (BIM) for architecture. Instruction will focus on how both graphic and non-graphic architectural information for a building is produced through the creation of a single project database represented in a 3D model. (Credit is only allowed for either EGR 230 or ARC 124.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency