Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)

Course Descriptions

IDS 102. Urban Legends and American Society. 3 Credit Hours.

This course allows students to explore and study urban legends in American society as well as the various contexts in which these myths are placed. Students have the opportunity to interpret the symbolic and social significance of urban legends as well as analyze its shaping and criticism of American Society.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency

IDS 107. Representations of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. Society. 3 Credit Hours.

Students will explore representation of race, class, gender, sexuality, and disability in American films, television programs, animation, music, journalism, advertisements, and other mediated culture products, from the early 20th century to the present. Students will analyze the ideological functions of mediated communication and rhetorical methods present in mediated representations of people and ideas. Students will also examine theories concerning the formation and maintenance of social hierarchies, and the ways individuals interact with media images.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency

IDS 115. The Science and Value of Happiness. 3 Credit Hours.

What makes people happy and why? Through counseling, psychological and biological approaches to the study of happiness, this course examines personal values, the values of others, and how those values influence choice, lifestyle and behavior. The ability to critique the cultural, moral and ethical implications of being happy and how this relates to overall well-being, citizenship and personal growth is developed.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency