Child and Family Development (CFD)
Course Descriptions
CFD 101. Foundations of Child and Family Development. 3 Credit Hours.
Foundations of Child and Family Development introduces an overview of early childhood including curricula, history, trends, programs, and career opportunities. Quality characteristics of the environment and the role of the professional are examined. Within this class, observation, documentation, formal and informal assessment tools, and strategies for use with young children, ages birth through age 8, will be explored. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 101 or ECE 101.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 102. Child Growth and Development. 3 Credit Hours.
Child Growth and Development is a study of child development, including major theories, developmental domain milestones, and other factors that influence the typical development of children from conception through age 8. Development is explored in the context of multiple influences such as family, culture, and society. 9 hours of child observation is required for this course. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 102 or ECE 125.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 103. Child Nutrition, Health, and Safety. 3 Credit Hours.
Child Nutrition, Health, and Safety focuses on health, nutrition, and safety issues in early childhood. Topics include nutritional education and practices, menu planning, indoor and outdoor safety, childhood diseases and injuries, and appropriate health, hygiene, and safety practices for children as well as the adults who care for them. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 103 or ECE 124.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 104. Creative Experiences in Early Childhood. 3 Credit Hours.
Creative Experiences in Early Childhood introduces the expressive philosophy of creativity and explores music, movement, and visual arts as related to the interests and development of young children. Child development candidates will plan for integrating activities in diverse early childhood settings, addressing all developmental domains. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 104 or ECE 102.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 105. Professional Development Seminar I. 1 Credit Hour.
Professional Development Seminar I provides information and hands-on experiences with observation, documentation and formal and informal assessment tools and strategies for use with young children, ages birth through age eight. Legal and ethical issues related to data collection, research and assessment will also be included in the course.
Prerequisites: CFD 101 and CFD 102 with minimum grades of "C", eligibility for placement in ENG 101, and Reading Proficiency
CFD 106. Cognitive Development: Language and Literacy in Early Childhood. 3 Credit Hours.
Cognitive Development: Language and Literacy in Early Childhood, students examine quality literature appropriate for young children, infancy through age eight. Appropriate literacy experiences of reading, writing, and language learning are discussed and practiced. Students also examine methods of presentation and the creation of literacy-based environments. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 106 or ECE 103.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101 and CFD 102 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
CFD 107. Family/Community Support and Engagement. 3 Credit Hours.
Family/Community Support and Engagement students will examine strategies and develop skills in effective communication with individual parents and families. Topics include reflections on the contemporary American family, developing reciprocal partnerships, utilizing community resources, parent involvement, meetings and conferences, and home visiting. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 107 or ECE 127.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 108. Principles of Curriculum Design: Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year-Olds. 3 Credit Hours.
Principles of Curriculum Design: Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year-Olds is the study of infants, toddlers and two-year-olds and includes current theories of early child development. It also includes a variety of research-based caregiving practices and teaching strategies for both parents and teachers, with a focus on curriculum design. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 108 or ECE 108.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101 and CFD 102 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
CFD 109. Supervised Student Teaching Practicum: Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year-Olds. 3 Credit Hours.
Supervised Student Teaching Practicum: Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year-Olds is a class where students will actively participate in the daily operation of a quality early care and education infant, toddler and two-year-old setting for a total of 150 hours. A qualified supervisor will guide students through selecting, planning, and organizing curriculum using developmentally appropriate practices. Students will design and implement learning experiences for infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 109 or ECE 105.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101, CFD 102, CFD 104, and CFD 108 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 110. Social Emotional Supports for Infants and Toddlers. 3 Credit Hours.
Social Emotional Supports for Infants and Toddlers will examine the essential components of building healthy relationships with infants and their families. Techniques and strategies to support healthy attachment and achievement of emotional milestones will be the focus of this course. Topics will include responsive care-giving, individualization, temperament, and the effect of stress on the developing brain.
Prerequisites: CFD 101 and CFD 102 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
CFD 111. Introduction to Children with Special Needs. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Children with Special Needs will cover the characteristics of individuals with special needs and abilities with a focus on early intervention and support services. This course will include an overview of laws and theories that support unique individuals. This course provides an introduction to screening, assessment, working with families, and the implementation of individualized programming. (Credit is allowed for only one of the following courses: CFD 111, ECE 107, or CFD 206.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 201. Social and Emotional Development: Guidance and Discipline. 3 Credit Hours.
Social and Emotional Development: Guidance and Discipline is a study of child guidance that includes research-based normative development, theory, and strategies for guiding children's behavior at home and in diverse settings. Observation and field study of young children from infancy through age eight will be the foundation for this course. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 201 or ECE 200.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 202. Cognitive Development: Math, Science, and Engineering for Young Children. 3 Credit Hours.
Cognitive Development: Math, Science, and Engineering for Young Children students will design and implement developmentally appropriate experiences that enhance Math, Science, and Engineering concepts for children between birth and age eight. Various cognitive theories and stages of development are integrated throughout the course. Topics include implementation strategies, sensory awareness, problem solving, thinking and questioning skills, exploration, appropriate use of technology, and discovery learning. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 202 or ECE 201.)
Prerequisites: CFD 102 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 203. Professional Development Seminar II. 1 Credit Hour.
Professional Development Seminar II will provide a seminar experience in which students can develop their early childhood professional dispositions and practices. Learning to be an advocate for children and their families will be part of the class process, as will continued study of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards.
Prerequisites: CFD 105 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 204. Principles of Curriculum Design: Preschool. 3 Credit Hours.
Principles of Curriculum Design: Preschool focuses on designing curriculum that meets the diverse needs of each child in an early childhood program. Topics include establishing physical environments, facilitating play and learning, developing and facilitating curriculum based upon each child’s needs and interests, planning for classroom management of children, classroom management styles, and transitions. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 204 and ECE 104.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101 and CFD 102 with minimum grades of a "C", and Reading Proficiency
CFD 205. Supervised Student Teaching Practicum: Preschool. 3 Credit Hours.
Supervised Student Teaching Practicum: Preschool is a course where students will demonstrate the ability to execute all teaching and care-giving aspects of the assigned early childhood preschool environment. Lesson planning and implementation and developmentally appropriate guidance methods are included in this course. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 205 or ECE 206.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101, CFD 102, CFD 104, and CFD 204 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
CFD 206. Children With Special Abilities and Needs. 3 Credit Hours.
Children With Special Abilities and Needs presents information about children with special needs with a focus on early intervention and the role of the teacher. Topics include screening, assessment, working with families, universal design and developing and implementing individualized program planning. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 206 and ECE 107 or CFD 111.)
Prerequisites: CFD 101, CFD 102, CFD 104, and CFD 106 with minimum grades of "C", eligibility for placement in ENG 101, and Reading Proficiency
CFD 207. Supporting Cultural Awareness and Diversity. 3 Credit Hours.
Supporting Cultural Awareness and Diversity addresses the impact of family, culture, ethnicity, political forces, context, community, and sociological systems on the development and growth of young children. Topics include diversity study, child and family advocacy, and the role of community resources in influencing children's optimal development. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 207 or ECE 205.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CFD 208. Child and Family Development Capstone: Portfolio Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Child and Family Development Capstone: Portfolio Design requires that child development candidates demonstrate a thorough understanding of early childhood professionalism, based on universal standards and expectations. Developmentally appropriate guidance and management, planning, implementation, personal presentation, and dispositions will be addressed. Seminar meetings will include preparation for job interviews, resume and application completion, portfolio completion, issues and trends in early childhood, and other discourse as would be shown by beginning level professionals.
Prerequisites: CFD 205 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 209. Management of Early Childhood Settings. 3 Credit Hours.
Management of Early Childhood Settings focuses on the organizational and managerial structure of child care centers and home-based settings. Topics include licensing and accreditation standards, spatial design, fiscal responsibilities, employment procedures, staff development, marketing, and the planning and evaluation of center operations. (Credit is only allowed for either CFD 209 or ECE 204.)
Prerequisites: CFD 103 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 210. Early Childhood Leadership Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.
Early Childhood Leadership Practicum will examine the roles related to effective leadership practices in high quality child care centers. The role and responsibilities of the child care director/owner will be analyzed. Subject matter includes conflict resolution, morale, retention, recruitment, constructive feedback, and support of staff. Sixty (60) hours of participation under the supervision of an early childhood owner/director is required.
Prerequisites: CFD 209 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CFD 211. Activities for Children with Special Needs. 3 Credit Hours.
Activities for Children with Special Needs covers practical techniques for working with exceptional individuals including task analysis and behavior modification. Experience with task analysis, universal design, screening, assessment, and charting behavior as part of developing and implementing individualized programs will be emphasized. This course requires 60 hours of practical experience in a setting with children with diagnosed disabilities.
Prerequisites: CFD 111 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency