Art (ART)
Course Descriptions
ART 100. Art Appreciation (MOTR ARTS 100). 3 Credit Hours.
Art Appreciation is intended to stimulate student's visual, aesthetic, and intellectual awareness of our global artistic heritage. Both historic and thematic approaches to a wide variety of objects and media will develop students' abilities to evaluate and discuss the arts. This course is intended for non-art majors.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency or concurrent enrollment in RDG 079
ART 101. Art History - Prehistory to 1300 (MOTR ARTS 101). 3 Credit Hours.
Art History - Prehistory to 1300 is a survey of art before 1300 C.E. Works of art and characteristics of artistic styles are presented and discussed as manifestations of influential ideas from the following cultures or periods: Prehistoric, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Early and Late Medieval, and two or more Non-Western Cultures.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 102. Art History - 1300 to Present (MOTR ARTS 102). 3 Credit Hours.
Art History - 1300 to Present is a survey of art after 1300 C.E. Works of art and characteristics of artistic styles are presented and discussed as manifestations of influential ideas from the following periods or styles: Proto-Renaissance, Early Italian Renaissance, Early and Late Northern Renaissance, High Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, selected 19th and 20th Century styles, and two or more Non-Western cultures.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 103. History of Modern Art (MOTR ARTS 100). 3 Credit Hours.
History of Modern Art surveys modern art beginning with the late-18th century and proceeding through the work of contemporary artists. Recurrent themes from the following periods will be examined: Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, and other modern and contemporary styles.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 107. Design I. 2 Credit Hours.
Emphasis on principles and elements of design through a series of assigned problems. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 140 or ART 107 and ART 108.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 108. Design II. 2 Credit Hours.
The study of color, exploring various color theories and the historical application through a series of problems. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 140 or ART 107 and ART 108.)
Prerequisites: ART 107 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 109. Drawing I (MOTR PERF 105D). 3 Credit Hours.
Drawing I provides an introduction to drawing principles, construction, proportion, form, value, perspective, composition, tools, and media. Perception, visual sensitivity, and critical thinking are all stressed.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 110. Drawing II. 3 Credit Hours.
A continuation of ART 109, the fundamentals and principles of drawing, with more emphasis on organizational concepts and a variety of media. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 109 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 111. Figure Drawing I. 3 Credit Hours.
Figure Drawing I provides an introduction to drawing the human figure. Exercises will include direct observation of life models. Anatomical form, proportion, structure, and gesture will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 112. Figure Drawing II. 3 Credit Hours.
Continuation of ART 111. Emphasizes the use of various drawing media. Analysis of the structure of the human figure through anatomy. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 111 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 113. Ceramics I (MOTR PERF 105C). 3 Credit Hours.
Ceramics I is a study of the basic principles of ceramics and ceramic sculpture with introductions to traditional and contemporary ideas and techniques. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 113 or ART 212.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 114. Painting I. 3 Credit Hours.
An introduction to oil painting from still-life objects, with emphasis on technique and the effective use of color. Composition and drawing will be stressed as they relate to painting. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 114 or ART 222.)
Prerequisites: ART 109 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 115. Printmaking I (MOTR PERF 105GA). 3 Credit Hours.
Printmaking I provides an introduction to traditional and contemporary printmaking. Students produce prints in a variety of techniques while learning proper use of tools and materials appropriate to each method. Students will strengthen their critical skills by analyzing and evaluating prints, including their own work, that of their classmates, and significant examples pulled from printmaking history and contemporary art. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 115 or ART 225.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 116. Sculpture I (MOTR PERF 105S). 3 Credit Hours.
Sculpture I is an introduction to fundamental concepts of sculpture including object making and non-object oriented compositions. Basic materials and methods will be explored. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 116 or ART 219.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 131. Computer Art Studio. 3 Credit Hours.
Computer Art Studio introduces students to the primary methods, practices, and software programs used in various design industries. Projects will be developed using digital illustration, photo editing, and layout design applications. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 131 or ART 122.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 133. Graphic Design I. 3 Credit Hours.
Graphic Design I is an introduction to visual communications with an emphasis on the foundational components and principles of the profession. Projects will employ basic layout processes, typography, concept generation, and the use of tools and materials required in the field. Contemporary and historic examples of art, design, and advertising will be studied. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 133 or ART 123.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 134. Graphic Design II. 3 Credit Hours.
Graphic Design II explores visual communications practices with an emphasis on logo development and branding, various layout formats for print and online scenarios, the creative use of typography, color systems and theory, concept origination and development, and important historic aspects of graphic design. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 134 or ART 124.)
Prerequisites: ART 140, ART 131, and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 135. Graphic Production. 2 Credit Hours.
Students will study the history of printing and the basics of the different commercial printing processes available today. The major emphasis will be on proper preparation of electronic pre-press files for spot-color, multi-color and process-color print production, the selection of printing papers, and communicating with printing suppliers. Design printing challenges, multiple page document preparation, and preparing files for electronic publication will also be covered. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 135 or ART 296.)
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 138. Drawing and Rendering for Graphics. 3 Credit Hours.
Drawing and Rendering for Graphics emphasizes the traditional and digital processes of drawing, composition, perspective, and concept development as it relates to graphic design. Original drawings for projects will be created to convey design concepts using models, photographs, and other reference material. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 138 or ART 237.)
Prerequisites: ART 140 and ART 109 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 140. Two-Dimensional Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Two-Dimensional Design provides an introduction to the basic two-dimensional elements of fine art and design: line, shape, value, texture, space, and color. Through a series of projects, students will manipulate these elements to learn the principles of two-dimensional design: balance, proportion, emphasis, movement, repetition, rhythm, and unity. Students will strengthen their critical skills by analyzing and evaluating contemporary work as well as compositions from the Modernist era of art history and before. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 140 or ART 107 and ART 108.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 150. Design Communication for Interior Design and Architecture. 3 Credit Hours.
Design Communication for Interior Design and Architecture provides an introduction to graphic communication techniques as a way to communicate architecture and interior design processes and solutions. Utilizing traditional and digital methods, students will gain experience in perspective drawing, rendering, sketching, layout, and composition.
Prerequisites: ART 154 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 151. Interior Design I. 3 Credit Hours.
Interior Design I introduces students to interior space planning and the application of basic design principles and color theory to interior environments. Emphasis is placed on architectural drafting and the design and selection of interior finishes, furniture, and other interior components. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 151 or ART 229.)
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in ART 154 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 152. Textiles. 3 Credit Hours.
Textiles is a study of fabric selection, care, and performance based on the characteristics of textile fibers, processing, color application, and finishes. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 152 or ART 233.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 153. History of Cultural Environments I. 3 Credit Hours.
The history of furniture styles, decorative arts, and architecture from Mesopotamia to French Empire will be taught. The emphasis is on materials, techniques, and aesthetics that make environments unique within their historical cultural environments.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 154. Architectural Graphics and Technology I. 3 Credit Hours.
Architectural Graphics and Technology I introduces students to the fundamentals of architectural drafting using hand drafting techniques and computer-aided drafting software currently utilized in the architecture and interior design industries. Students will apply architectural graphic standards in the creation of floor plans, elevations, and construction documents. (Credit is allowed for only one of the following courses: ART 154, ART 255, AT 203, or AT 524.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 155. Bath Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Bath Design explores the application of design principles and presentation standards in the planning and designing of safe and functional bathrooms. This course meets the standards established by the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA).
Prerequisites: ART 151 and ART 154 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 156. Advanced Kitchen Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced Kitchen Design applies design principles and presentation standards in the planning and designing of efficient kitchen layouts. Following National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) guidelines, students obtain experience studying proper cabinet, appliance, and fixture selection.
Prerequisites: ART 151 and ART 154 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 158. Workplace Learning: Kitchen and Bath Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Workplace Learning: Kitchen and Bath Design is an experiential learning course which provides the student the opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by a professional in the field and a faculty member. Minimum of 150 hours in the workplace throughout the term.
Prerequisites: ART 155, ART 156, and AT 251 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 165. Photography I (MOTR PERF 105GA). 3 Credit Hours.
Photography I provides an introduction to the settings and creative controls of the camera, as well as the craft of black and white printing. Students will learn traditional darkroom techniques, as well as methods for approaching a variety of subjects and improving photographic compositions.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 166. Photography II. 3 Credit Hours.
Photography II provides a concentrated study of photographic aesthetics, printing techniques, and portfolio development. Conceptual approaches, as well as more enhanced methods of using and presenting images, are also explored in this course.
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 167. Color Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores the materials of color imaging, color theories, and the techniques associated with color printing. Sets of color images that display a variety of technical and aesthetic issues will be produced by the student. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 167 or ART 217.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 and ART 172 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 168. History of Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores the understanding of photography as a cultural, commercial and aesthetic endeavor. Significant historical events, techniques, equipment, aesthetic trends and individual contributions that have influenced this art form throughout the world are discussed and analyzed.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 169. Concepts in the Visual Arts (MOTR ARTS 100). 3 Credit Hours.
Concepts in the Visual Arts explores how the evolution of painting, sculpture, illustration, photography, and digital media has reflected transformations of both cultural and personal ideas over hundreds of years. Visual images play a key role in societal communication and expression, and the goals of the class include gaining skills in addressing and evaluating messages conveyed through visual media, along with their social context and impacts. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 169 or ART 118.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 172. Digital Photography (MOTR PERF 105GA). 3 Credit Hours.
Digital Photography introduces the mechanics of the digital camera, image adjustments through software programs, and printing from a computer. Students will follow guided exercises and projects and produce portfolios of prints using digital printers. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 172 or ART 505.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 186. Building Systems and Construction for Interior Designers. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores building construction, systems and technology and their relationship to design development and project completion.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 204. Photography III. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is a continuation of the exploration of the photographic process and techniques begun in Photography I and Photography II, with a greater emphasis being placed on the creative process and the individual's perception and understanding of the elusive nature of images. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 166 and ART 172 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 207. Three-Dimensional Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Three-Dimensional Design is an introduction to three-dimensional language and expression. Students will use a variety of materials and methods to explore compositions in three dimensions. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 207 or ART 201.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
ART 208. Design IV. 2 Credit Hours.
Advanced problems in various aspects of design. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 208 or ART 202.)
Prerequisites: ART 207 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 209. Drawing III. 3 Credit Hours.
Emphasis is placed on methods of achieving compositional unity in drawing. Balance, variety, rhythm, and repetition, some of the factors responsible for unified structure in drawing, will be examined on an advanced level. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 110 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 210. Advanced Drawing. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced Drawing emphasizes continued improvement of drawing skills developed in prerequisite coursework, with more advanced exploration of materials, methods, concept development, and personal expression. Some selected projects may use the human figure, still life objects, or physical environments as subjects. Other projects may be entirely nonrepresentational.
Prerequisites: ART 110 and ART 112 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 211. Figure Drawing III. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced figure drawing from the model. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 211 or ART 205.)
Prerequisites: ART 112 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 213. Ceramics II. 3 Credit Hours.
Ceramics II builds on concepts from Ceramics I and expands the study of form, surface, and finishing techniques by producing functional and/or sculptural work.
Prerequisites: ART 113 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 214. Painting II. 3 Credit Hours.
A continuation of ART 114 with emphasis on composition and color. Knowledge will be developed for future individual study. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 214 or ART 223.)
Prerequisites: ART 114 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 215. Printmaking II. 3 Credit Hours.
A continuation of ART 115. In addition to continued exploration of media covered in Printmaking I, this course introduces students to additional printmaking techniques, from a selection of lithography, silk screen, photo-mechanical methods, chine chine collé and mixed media. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 215 or ART 226.)
Prerequisites: ART 115 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 216. Sculpture II. 3 Credit Hours.
Sculpture II provides advanced study for students who have completed Sculpture I. This course offers the opportunity to further explore materials and methods, art historical influences, and personal creative interests. Students will engage in the process of art-making from concept development to the physical construction of sculptural compositions. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 216 or ART 220.)
Prerequisites: ART 116 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 228. Workplace Learning: Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
This experiential course provides the student the opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by a professional in the field and a faculty member. Students will observe and participate in the functions of the business to enhance their preparation for entering the field. Minimum of 150 hours in the workplace throughout the term. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 228 or ART 577.)
Prerequisites: ART 166 and ART 167 with minimum grades of "C", department approval and Reading Proficiency
ART 233. Graphic Design III. 3 Credit Hours.
Graphic Design III will examine and engage in advanced methods of visual communications with an emphasis on developing creative solutions to complex design problems. A professional approach to the discipline will be stressed with client-centered discourse and outcomes finalized through the critique process. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 233 or ART 293.)
Prerequisites: ART 134 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 234. Graphic Design IV. 3 Credit Hours.
Graphic Design IV is an advanced exploration of graphic communications that emphasizes creative problem solving through professional practices. Outcomes will be accomplished through the development of projects that demonstrate excellence in design while deploying multiple components in print, screen, and interactive modalities. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 234 or ART 294.)
Prerequisites: ART 233 and ART 236 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 236. Typography. 3 Credit Hours.
Typography stresses the refined use of typesetting as a primary design and communications tool. Coursework examines contemporary, historic, and regional styles of letterforms and their use. The development of a sensitivity towards appropriate use of type and hierarchy in design combined with projects that challenge and promote conceptual skills, digital expertise, and problem solving methods is emphasized.
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 239. Editorial and Commercial Illustration. 3 Credit Hours.
Editorial and Commercial Illustration explores concept development and visual narratives in illustration, drawing, and painting. Emphasis is on realistic drawing, product rendering, and modeling using expressive, historical, and contemporary contexts. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 239 or ART 247.)
Prerequisites: ART 131 with a minimum grade of "C" and prior or concurrent enrollment in ART 138 and ART 111 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
ART 240. Digital Illustration. 3 Credit Hours.
Digital Illustration combines traditional drawing and digital rendering with tools, media, and software to create and explore comprehensive concept development of visual narratives and design-related illustration challenges. Imagery and typography will be integrated to produce commercially applicable projects. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 240 or ART 248.)
Prerequisites: ART 239 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 245. Portfolio Design and Workplace Preparation. 3 Credit Hours.
Portfolio Design and Workplace Preparation is the capstone of the Graphic Communications degree. Students are guided in the development of print and on-line portfolios and support materials that comprehensively demonstrate a successful culmination of their design studies as they prepare to enter the graphic communications profession and / or transfer to an accredited four-year university or art institute. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 245 or ART 295.)
Prerequisites: ART 236 and ART 134 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 249. Digital Photography II. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores advanced techniques and aesthetics associated with digital photography. Students will expand their knowledge and use of camera controls, editing software and workflow solutions while building a successful portfolio of images. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 251. Interior Design II. 3 Credit Hours.
Interior Design II focuses on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing commercial and residential interiors using a systematic approach to the design process. Special emphasis is placed on commercial and residential planning guidelines and the impact of building and life safety codes on interior environments. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 251 or ART 230.)
Prerequisites: ART 154 and ART 151 with a grade of "C" or better and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ART 150
ART 252. Interior Design III. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an in-depth study of interior design emphasizing the influence of abstract design, universal design, global design, and sustainable practices on the built environment. A systematic approach to design processes will be used to develop projects that apply knowledge of space planning, principles and elements of design, color theory, and visual art skills in two dimensional and three dimensional design. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 252 or ART 231.)
Prerequisites: ART 251 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 253. Interior Design IV. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an advanced study and application of the problem solving approach to design of the built environment. This course will also introduce students to the ethical standards and business procedures of the interior design industry. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 253 or ART 232.)
Prerequisites: ART 252 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 254. History of Cultural Environments II. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is a continuation of the history of furniture, decorative arts, and architectural elements from Tudor England to current times. The emphasis is on materials, techniques, and aesthetics that make environments unique within their historical cultural environments. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 254 or ART 235.)
Prerequisites: ART 153 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 265. Artificial Light Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
Artificial Light Photography introduces basic theories of illumination, as applied to various subjects in the photographic studio and on location. The utilization of a variety of light sources within these contexts is studied, along with their proper use with digital cameras. The production of professional quality files and prints is also undertaken. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 265 or ART 218.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 266. Black and White Printing Lab. 3 Credit Hours.
A guided study of black and white printing techniques geared to individual student needs and interests. Competence and excellence in traditional techniques of "straight" photography are stressed, with study undertaken in image refinement and contemporary printing alternatives. This course is geared towards individuals who have a basic knowledge of darkroom processes and would like further direction. Additional studio hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 267. Contemporary Concepts in Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
This class focuses on current issues and ideas about photography. Students will practice the most recent trends through assignments, augmented by lectures, demonstrations and visits to galleries. Reading, writing and discussion of latest concepts will be central to the course. Additional studio hours may be required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 267 or ART 200.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 269. Field Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
The emphasis of this course is on photographing subject matter found in nature. Trips to areas of photographic interest will provide students the opportunity to explore and visually portray elements within natural environments. Attention is especially given to methods for adapting to and photographing successfully in new situations. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 269 or ART 264.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 271. Portrait Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
Photographic techniques to create effective portraits of people will be studied, using both natural and artificial illumination. Close-ups, environmental portraits, and photographing groups will be covered. Work will also include the creation of quality prints and the building of a successful portfolio for presentation. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 271 or ART 285.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 272. Documentary Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
This course studies the use of photography in exploring social or cultural issues. The methods of approach used by documentary photographers will be discussed and practiced, with students considering the possible impact of images on society. Students will use cameras to study subjects in their own environments and will consider various contexts for the presentation of photographs. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 272 or ART 262.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 273. Architectural Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
Architectural Photography explores the methods for photographing both the exteriors and interiors of structures and buildings. Perspective controls and the understanding and use of a variety of lenses and camera formats will be explored in this course, with attention to lighting and visual balance being emphasized. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 273 or ART 286.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 172 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
ART 275. Photo Imaging I: Photoshop (MOTR PERF 105GA). 3 Credit Hours.
Photo Imaging I: Photoshop is an investigation of processing image files. Software tools and adjustment controls will be learned. Students will investigate scanning, color and tonal management, image repair, compositing, and printing. (Credit is only allowed for either ART 275 or ART 203.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency