Surgical Technology (ST)
Course Descriptions
ST 120. Principles of Surgical Technology. 3 Credit Hours.
Principles of Surgical Technology is an introduction to the field of surgical technology. Concepts related to the professional healthcare environment, patient care, basic instrumentation and communication skills will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Current enrollment in the Surgical Technology Program or permission of the program director and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 122
ST 122. Medical/Surgical Terminology. 3 Credit Hours.
Medical/Surgical Terminology addresses the medical language used in the operating room environment. Emphasis is placed on medical terms related to general and surgical medicine including disease processes, diagnostics, surgical procedures, treatment modalities and abbreviations. The formation, definition and pronunciation of medical terms will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Current enrollment in the Surgical Technology Program or permissions of program director, and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 120
ST 124. Clinical Foundations. 3 Credit Hours.
Clinical Foundations is a laboratory course which provides an introduction to the practical aspects of case management responsibilities for the surgical technologist in the scrub role. Topics covered will include basic case set-ups, gowning and gloving, instrumentation, maintenance of sterile technique, and sequence of surgical procedural tasks. Additional lab hours required.
Prerequisites: ST 120, ST 122 with minimum grades of "C", BIO 207 with a minimum grade of "C" or permission of program director, and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 128
ST 126. Surgical Equipment and Technological Concepts. 2 Credit Hours.
Surgical Equipment and Technological Concepts provides the learner with technological information on the utilization and care of surgical equipment and instrumentation. Environmental disinfection and sterilization techniques will be addressed.
Prerequisites: Current enrollment in the Surgical Technology Program, ST 120, ST 122 and BIO 203 all with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
ST 128. Perioperative Case Management. 3 Credit Hours.
Perioperative Case Management will cover preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative case management information for the surgical technologist. Sterile technique, procedural responsibilities, environmental controls and patient care issues will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ST 120 and ST 122, both with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 124, ST 126
ST 215. Surgical Pharmacology. 2 Credit Hours.
Surgical Pharmacology is designed to introduce the student to the use, preparation and handling of medications in the surgical environment. Related terminology, common dosages, and principles of anesthesia administration will be covered. (Credit is only allowed for either ST 215 or ST 104.)
Prerequisites: Current enrollment in the Surgical Technology Program, ST 120 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
ST 220. Procedures I. 3 Credit Hours.
Procedures I introduces the principles of surgical intervention and patient care considerations in multiple specialty areas. Anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnostics, prognosis and complications of procedures will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ST 124, ST 126, ST 128, ST 215, BIO 208, all with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 224
ST 224. Clinical Practice I. 6 Credit Hours.
Clinical Practice I involves application of surgical technology principles in the laboratory and hospital setting. Laboratory practice will involve instruction of advanced techniques in preparation for clinical experience. Students will gain experience by performing learned clinical skills in a hospital surgical department. Additional hours required.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 220, ST 228
ST 228. Clinical Seminar. 1 Credit Hour.
Clinical Seminar will provide discussion of student issues encountered in clinical practice. Students will provide critical analysis of procedural experiences in clinical case presentations.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 224
ST 230. Procedures II. 3 Credit Hours.
Procedures, a continuation of Procedures I, covers principles of surgical intervention and patient care considerations in advanced surgical specialty areas. Anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnostics, prognosis and complications of surgical procedures will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ST 220, ST 224 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 234, ST 238
ST 234. Clinical Practice II. 6 Credit Hours.
Clinical Practice II is a continuation of Clinical Practice I. Students will further develop and refine their clinical skills by performing duties in the surgical technologist role in the hospital setting. Additional hours required.
Prerequisites: ST 228 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: ST 230
ST 238. Professional Issues. 2 Credit Hours.
Professional Issues will provide discussion on topics pertaining to professional skills benefitting the entry-level surgical technologist. Resume building, interview techniques, and career opportunities will be explored. Testing methodologies, strategies and simulated testing experiences for the Certified Surgical Technologist National Board Examination will be covered.
Prerequisites: ST 220 and ST 224 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency