Paramedic Technology (PAR)
Course Descriptions
PAR 221. Paramedic Clinical I. 3 Credit Hours.
Paramedic Clinical I provides the student the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to perform airway, pharmacology and medical skills by completing a minimum of 236 clinical hours in various hospital departments and on an ambulance.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: PAR 235
PAR 222. Paramedic Clinical II. 3 Credit Hours.
Paramedic Clinical II builds upon the clinical hours in various hospital departments and on an ambulance from Paramedic Clinical I.
Prerequisites: PAR 221 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
PAR 233. EMS Foundations. 1 Credit Hour.
EMS Foundations provides the student with an introduction to what it means to be a Paramedic. The course includes the following topics: EMS Systems, Research, Safety and Wellness, Documentation, EMS System Communication, Therapeutic Communication, Medical/Legal and Ethics.
Prerequisites: Admission to Paramedic Program and Reading Proficiency
PAR 234. EMS Pharmacology. 3 Credit Hours.
EMS Pharmacology provides the student with the principles of pharmacology, safety and administration, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and emergency medications. (Credit is only allowed for either PAR 234 or PAR 203.)
Prerequisites: Admission to the Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: PAR 235
PAR 235. Paramedic Skills I. 2 Credit Hours.
Paramedic Skills I introduces the basic required skills to function as a paramedic. The student will learn and be competent in administering medication through intravenous, intraosseous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes. Student will preform proper patient assessment, and airway management skills. (Credit is only allowed for either PAR 235 or PAR 211.)
Prerequisites: Admission to the Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
PAR 236. EMS Pathophysiology. 2 Credit Hours.
EMS Pathophysiology is a course where the student will learn the principles of pathophysiology as it relates to the emergency patient, how to recognize pathophysiologic findings and how to anticipate changes in a patient's condition based upon the findings.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
PAR 237. Pulmonology. 3 Credit Hours.
Pulmonology is a course in which the student will review the respiratory anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, and how they are applied in the assessment and treatment of respiratory emergencies.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
PAR 238. Cardiology. 5 Credit Hours.
Cardiology teaches the student to recognize and treat cardiovascular emergencies and apply associated pharmacological interventions. Students will also be required to perform and interpret Electrocardiogram's (ECG)s.
Prerequisites: PAR 235, PAR 236, PAR 237, and PAR 242 with minimum grades of "C", or by permission of the program director, and Reading Proficiency
PAR 239. Trauma. 3 Credit Hours.
Trauma is the review of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of trauma, and assessment and treatment of various traumatic injuries.
Prerequisites: PAR 235, PAR 236, and PAR 242 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
PAR 240. EMS Operations. 2 Credit Hours.
EMS Operations addresses various aspects of emergency medical services (EMS) including incident management, mass casualty incident, hazardous materials, rescue operations, air evacuation, and terroristic threats.
Prerequisites: PAR 235, PAR 236, PAR 237, and PAR 242 with minimum grades of "C" or by permission of the program director and Reading Proficiency
PAR 241. EMS Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
EMS Seminar is a capstone course designed to help students synthesize various patient assessment techniques and treatment plan implementations. The student will review all the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare for the NREMT practical and written examinations.
Prerequisites: PAR 233, PAR 238, PAR 239, PAR 240, PAR 222, PAR 245, and PAR 244 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
PAR 242. Medical Care. 5 Credit Hours.
Medical Care is a course in which the student will review pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology of the human body. Students will also study various body systems (ex. neurology, gastrointestinal disorders, hematology, psychiatric, non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders). In addition, students will review diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat.
Prerequisites: Admission to Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
PAR 243. Field Internship. 4 Credit Hours.
Field Internship students will be assigned to an Advanced Life Support ambulance where they will act as the team leader in performing total patient care including assessment and treatment of the patient.
Prerequisites: Admission to Paramedic program, PAR 233, PAR 235, PAR 236, PAR 237, PAR 238, PAR 239, PAR 240, PAR 242, PAR 244, PAR 221, PAR 222, and PAR 245 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
PAR 244. Special Patients. 2 Credit Hours.
Special Patients is a course where the student will receive instruction in the care of the obstetric patient, neonatal and pediatric care, geriatrics and patients with special challenges.
Prerequisites: Admission to Paramedic program and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: PAR 245
PAR 245. Paramedic Skills II. 2 Credit Hours.
Paramedic Skills II continues to build additional mastery of skills from Paramedic Skills I. These advanced skills include assessments of the pediatric patient, critical care patient assessment, and methods of infant delivery. Additional hands-on skills include thoracentesis, cricothyrotomy, and ventilator use.
Prerequisites: PAR 235, PAR 236, PAR 237, and PAR 242 with minimum grades of "C", or by permission of the program director, and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: PAR 244