Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Course Descriptions
LPN 101. Foundations of Practical Nursing I. 9 Credit Hours.
Foundations of Practical Nursing I is an introduction to the role of the practical nurse. The course reviews fundamental content for a beginning nursing student to acquire a foundation of basic nursing theory. Students will explore the role of a licensed practical nurse as a member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. Students will perform skills related to coordinating care of the adult and geriatric clients and family. The students will relate skills to physical, biological, and behavioral health sciences.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Licensed Practical Nursing Program, PSY 200, PSY 205, BIO 207, and BIO 208 with minimum grades of "C", Math Proficiency at or above MTH 140, MTH 160, MTH 161, MTH 170, MTH 185 or higher, or completion of MTH 140S with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: LPN 102 and LPN 103
LPN 102. Practical Nursing Lab. 2 Credit Hours.
Practical Nursing Lab is designed to provide the practical nursing student the ability to practice nursing skills in the college nursing laboratory and reinforce principles introduced in Foundations of Practical Nursing I. Practicum lab skills include performing basic nursing skills to meet the physiological needs of a client related to hygiene, infection control, safety, mobility, oxygenation, nutrition, and elimination. Practicum lab skills will focus on medication administration and intravenous therapy.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Licensed Practical Nursing Program, PSY 200, PSY 205, BIO 207, and BIO 208 with minimum grades of "C", Math Proficiency at or above MTH 140, MTH 160, MTH 161, MTH 170, MTH 185 or higher, or completion of MTH 140S with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: LPN 101 and LPN 103
LPN 103. Practical Vocational Concepts. 1 Credit Hour.
Practical Vocational Concepts explores the role of the licensed practical nurse. Concepts reviewed include historical aspects of the licensed practical nurse, nursing theory, legal and ethical aspects, leadership and management, and delegation. This course also introduces the student to professional organizations and standards in healthcare. The course will encourage the student’s self-awareness while introducing concepts related to cultural diversity and life-long learning.
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Licensed Practical Nursing Program, PSY 200, PSY 205, BIO 207, and BIO 208 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: LPN 101 and LPN 102
LPN 104. Foundations of Practical Nursing II. 9 Credit Hours.
Foundations of Practical Nursing II addresses concepts related to the role of the licensed practical nurse. Concepts addressed in the course include patient care, advocacy, patient teaching, cultural competency, legal and ethical competency, patient safety, nutrition, and pharmacology. The student will examine the foundations of medical-surgical nursing and maternal-child nursing.
Prerequisites: LPN 101 and 103 with minimum grades of "C", LPN 102 with a grade of "S", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: NUR 180