Hospitality and Tourism (HTM)
Course Descriptions
HTM 100. Introduction to the Hospitality Industry. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to the Hospitality Industry introduces the student to the business of hospitality and presents the exciting career opportunities available in one of the world's largest and most dynamic industries. It focuses on defining hospitality, introducing its various service segments, and presenting possible career paths within each segment. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 100 or HRM 134.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
HTM 115. Hospitality Customer Service and Guest Relations. 3 Credit Hours.
Hospitality Customer Service and Guest Relations provides the student with the basic knowledge of "service" and how it applies to managing guest relations in the hospitality industry. Customer service expectations will be examined from the perspective of those who deliver it and those who manage it. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 115 or HRM 210.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 120. Supervision and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry. 3 Credit Hours.
Supervision and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry introduces students to the functions of a typical hospitality supervisor/leader as they relate to and impact stakeholders within a hospitality organization. Supervisory roles, responsibilities, and essential supervisory skills are presented through study and practical applications. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 120 or HRM 201.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 200. Procurement in the Hospitality Industry. 3 Credit Hours.
Procurement in the Hospitality Industry will prepare students to employ the principles of effective food, beverage, and supply purchasing necessary to support food preparation and service departments of hospitality operations. Students will be exposed to product specifications, comparative buying, and procedures associated with purchasing, receiving, issuing and inventory control using current industry technology, processes and procedures. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 200 or HRM 112.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 and MTH 108 or higher with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
HTM 205. Legal Aspects of Hospitality. 3 Credit Hours.
Legal Aspects of Hospitality is a comprehensive study of the legal issues encountered in hospitality management. Prevention and compliance are stressed to reduce potential liability in hospitality organizations. Areas of emphasis include government regulations, employment, contractual agreements, insurance, property, safety and security, food and beverage management, and guest liability. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 205 or HRM 202.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 210. Hospitality Financial Planning and Cost Control. 3 Credit Hours.
Hospitality Financial Planning and Cost Control introduces students to common methods of operational cost control and accountability found in the hospitality industry. Students will be introduced to operational standards and the impact they have on financial performance. Costs of food, beverage, labor, and direct expenses are examined. Budgeting, forecasting, analysis, and decision making are examined. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 210 or HRM 205.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 and MTH 108 or higher with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
HTM 215. Hospitality Sales and Marketing. 3 Credit Hours.
Hospitality Sales and Marketing introduces students to fundamental marketing terms, theory, and concepts that are found within the hospitality and tourism industry. Marketing is emphasized as a management philosophy that guides the design and delivery of guest services, a way of doing business. Both short and long-term marketing plans are examined with a focus on how marketing impacts every facet of the hospitality organization. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 215 or HRM 209.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 225. Hotel Operations. 3 Credit Hours.
Hotel Operations examines the organization, functions, and management of typical lodging operations. It focuses on the interdependent nature of the major departments within a hotel/resort operation; rooms division, food and beverage, sales and marketing, housekeeping and maintenance, and general administration. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 225 or HRM 213.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 230. Bar and Beverage Management. 3 Credit Hours.
Bar and Beverage Management introduces the student to the topics of beverage knowledge, purchasing, control, marketing, legislation, staffing, service, food pairing, and responsible alcohol beverage service as they relate to positions found within the hospitality industry. Students are offered the opportunity to earn the ServSafe Alcohol certification through the National Restaurant Association. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 230 or HRM 212.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 240. Workplace Learning: Hospitality. 4 Credit Hours.
Workplace Learning: Hospitality provides the student an opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by professionals in the field and a faculty member. Student will observe and participate in the functions of the hospitality industry, participate in service learning projects, volunteer for events sponsored by the hospitality department, or a combination of above, to enhance their preparation for entering the hospitality field. The student is required to complete a minimum of 200 hours of documented experience in a position or activity related to their academic or career goal. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 240 or HRM 141 and HRM 221.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in at least one class which is related to student's Major or career interest or with permission of the instructor
HTM 245. Meetings and Event Planning. 3 Credit Hours.
Meetings and Event Planning provides students with a practical overview of the many factors that must be considered in the planning and execution of successful meetings and special events. Students will be exposed to program goals and objectives, basic budget questions, destination options and venue considerations, transportation options, food and beverage decisions, speaker and entertainment selection, and other critical aspects of event planning. (Credit is only allowed for either HTM 245 or HRM 261.)
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 275. Travel and Tourism. 3 Credit Hours.
Travel and Tourism provides a comprehensive overview of this enormous and captivating field and how it interconnects with hospitality. It thoroughly examines the various sectors of the industry (e.g., transportation, accommodations, food and beverage, attractions and entertainment, and destinations) considering the management, marketing and finance issues most important to industry members. It also investigates the economic, political, environmental, social, and cultural impacts of tourism, along with current and future trends.
Prerequisites: HTM 100 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
HTM 280. Hospitality Management Capstone. 3 Credit Hours.
Hospitality Management Capstone requires the student to use both technical knowledge and managerial ability to plan, organize, and complete a foodservice event simulation. Menu planning, recipe development, personnel management, production management, marketing, and financial analysis will be covered. Students will plan, organize, and report out on all aspects of a hospitality foodservice simulated event.
Prerequisites: HTM 115 and HTM 210 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency