Health Information Technology (HIT)

Course Descriptions

HIT 107. Procedure Coding Systems I. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is an introduction to the current industry standards for procedural coding in various healthcare settings. Reading and interpreting healthcare documentation to classify services and procedures will be covered. Communication skills and techniques for the workplace are emphasized throughout the course. Students should enroll in HIT 106 in the same semester. (Credit is not allowed for both HIT 107 and HIM 107).
Prerequisites: BIO 207, BIO 208, HIT 101, HIT 104, HIT 105 with minimum grades of "C" or higher and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: HIT 106

HIT 201. Healthcare Reimbursement. 3 Credit Hours.

This course compares and contrasts healthcare payers, illustrates the reimbursement cycle, and compliance with regulatory guidelines. Payment methodologies and systems are compared using computerized encoding and grouping software, Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs), Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs), and Resource Utilization Groups (RUGs) as assigned. Chargemaster maintenance and reimbursement monitoring and reporting are emphasized. Communication skills and techniques for the workplace are emphasized throughout the course. (Credit is only allowed for either HIT 201 or HIM 201 and 203).
Prerequisites: HIT 102, HIT 103, HIT 106, HIT 107 and Reading Proficiency

HIT 206. Diagnosis Coding Systems II. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is a continuation of Diagnosis Coding Systems I. Students are introduced to intermediate coding cases and scenarios along with Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and their relationship to clinical coding. Communication skills and techniques for the workplace are emphasized throughout the course. Students should enroll in HIT 207 in the same semester.
Prerequisites: HIT 102, HIT 103, HIT 106, HIT 107 and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: HIT 207

HIT 207. Procedure Coding Systems II. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is a continuation of Procedure Coding Systems I. Students use computerized encoding systems and healthcare data/content to assign appropriate current standard Procedure codes. Communication skills and techniques for the workplace are emphasized throughout the course. Students should enroll in HIT 206 in the same semester.
Prerequisites: HIT 102, HIT 103, HIT 106, HIT 107 and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: HIT 206

HIT 210. Professional Practice Experience. 2 Credit Hours.

This course allows students to experience the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) electronic-Health Information Management (e-HIM) Virtual Lab in an environment that closely simulates real-world application of various technologies. Students apply problem-solving and analysis skills, and gain experience and familiarity with a range of healthcare applications including patient identification, administrative and reimbursement coding, data capture, and abstracting. Students create professional portfolios and engage in professional leadership activities and discussions. Communication skills and techniques for the workplace are emphasized throughout the course. Medical Billing and Coding majors should enroll in HIT 208 in the same semester. Health Information Technology majors should enroll in HIT 291 in the same semester. (Credit is only allowed for either HIT 210 or HIM 210.)
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in HIT 208 or HIT 291 with a minimum grade of "C", permission of department chairperson or program coordinator and Reading Proficiency