Funeral Service Education (FSE)
Course Descriptions
FSE 101. History and Sociology of Funeral Service. 3 Credit Hours.
History and Sociology of Funeral Service surveys funeral and burial customs associated with the beliefs and practices in various cultures from the early Egyptians to present day. In addition, the general principles related to customs, religions, human relations, social behavior, and their influences on funeral practices are examined.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 102. Dynamics of Grief Management. 3 Credit Hours.
Dynamics of Grief Management explores the topic of funeral service psychology, which includes the theories of grief, the purposes of the funeral rite, and the importance of interpersonal communication skills and basic helping techniques.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 103. Funeral Directing. 3 Credit Hours.
Funeral Directing introduces the primary duties and responsibilities of the funeral director. Special emphasis is placed on the funeral director's role in working with the family of the decedent, as they select options for funeral rites, ceremonies, and committal services. Legal and ethical obligations, as well as the value of effective communication skills, are also examined.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 104. Funeral Directing Practicum. 2 Credit Hours.
Funeral Directing Practicum is a course that introduces the practical aspects of funeral home operations, which includes local, state, and federal laws as they pertain to funeral service. In addition, students will participate in funeral arranging, funeral directing, and committal service procedures. All funeral directing functions will be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral director and the St. Louis Community College Funeral Service Education faculty. Additional practicum hours may be required.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: FSE 103
FSE 105. Funeral Directing Practicum II. 2 Credit Hours.
This course is a continuation of Funeral Directing Practicum I and will provide additional experience with the practical aspects of funeral home operations, which includes local, state, and federal laws as they pertain to funeral service. In addition, students will participate in funeral arranging, funeral directing, and committal service procedures. All funeral directing functions will be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral director and the St. Louis Community College Funeral Service Education faculty. Additional hours required.
Prerequisites: FSE 103 and FSE 104 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 106. Mortuary Law and Ethics. 3 Credit Hours.
Mortuary Law and Ethics introduces legal and ethical issues in the funeral service profession. This includes the sources of business law, mortuary law, rights and duties regarding disposition of dead bodies, state and federal regulation of funeral homes, funeral directors and cemeteries, probate law, and funeral professional ethics.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 107. Funeral Service Merchandising. 2 Credit Hours.
Funeral Service Merchandising introduces the practical aspects of product knowledge and merchandising for caskets, outer burial containers, and other related funeral service merchandise.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 108. Embalming Chemistry. 2 Credit Hours.
Embalming Chemistry provides a survey of the basic principles of chemistry as they relate to funeral service. In this course there is major emphasis on chemical principles and precautions involved in the sanitation, disinfection, and public health. The government regulation of chemicals currently used in funeral service is reviewed.
Prerequisites: FSE 101 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 201. Funeral Home Management. 3 Credit Hours.
Funeral Home Management introduces management principles for funeral home operations. This includes human resources, financial, marketing, facilities, and office management as well as their application to the small business environment.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FSE 203. Embalming Practicum I. 2 Credit Hours.
Embalming Practicum I applies the theoretical aspects of an embalming operation. All embalming operations are performed under the direct supervision and instruction of a licensed embalmer and the St. Louis Community College Funeral Service Education faculty.
Prerequisites: BIO 103 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: FSE 210
FSE 205. Embalming Practicum II. 2 Credit Hours.
Embalming Practicum II applies the theoretical aspects of an embalming operation, with emphasis placed on advanced procedures for embalming autopsy and trauma cases. Embalming operations are performed under the direct supervision and instruction of a licensed embalmer and St. Louis Community College Funeral Service Education personnel.
Prerequisites: FSE 210 and FSE 203, both with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 206. Restorative Art. 4 Credit Hours.
Restorative Art prepares the student to recognize and apply the various restorative and cosmetology techniques used in the restoration of the deceased.
Prerequisites: FSE 210 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 208. Funeral Service Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
Funeral Service Seminar provides comprehensive preparation and completion of the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Board Incorporated National Board Examination (NBE).
Prerequisites: Approval of AAS/FSE Program Director, eligibility for completion of and graduation from the AAS/FSE program and Reading Proficiency
FSE 209. Pathology for Funeral Service. 3 Credit Hours.
Pathology for Funeral Service introduces the principles of pathology, especially as it can be applied in embalming and restorative art processes. Special emphasis will be placed on tissue pathology and major causative agents of death. (Credit is only allowed for either FSE 209 or FSE 207.)
Prerequisites: Admission to AAS/FSE program, BIO 103, FSE 210, and FSE 101 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 210. Embalming. 3 Credit Hours.
Embalming is a course that will examine the purpose and need for embalming. This will include types of death, signs of death, tests for death, postmortem changes, ethics of embalming, chemical and physical changes, selection and raising of vessels, discolorations, types of embalming chemicals, injection, drainage, and dilution. This course will also survey chemistry, microbiology, and pathology as applied to embalming.
Prerequisites: BIO 103 and FSE 101 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: FSE 203
FSE 211. Microbiology for Funeral Service. 3 Credit Hours.
Microbiology for Funeral Service is designed to introduce the student to the principles of microbiology as they relate to funeral service including the role of diseases and types of pathogens and microbes which will infect and attack the human body. Study will include issues pertaining to both the spread of infectious agents, as well as their control.
Prerequisites: BIO 111 and FSE 101 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
FSE 212. Embalming II. 3 Credit Hours.
Embalming II is an advanced study of the techniques of embalming through a study of the body, sanitation, embalming agents, instruments, and methods of embalming. The student will study the anatomy of the circulatory system, the autopsied case, the cavity embalming, the contents of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and various embalming treatments.
Prerequisites: FSE 210 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: FSE 205