Finance (FIN)
Course Descriptions
FIN 100. Personal Finance. 3 Credit Hours.
This course involves the study of personal financial planning and is intended to provide the student with a basis of knowledge that will enable the individual to better manage their income while maximizing the value received for the expenditures made. This course also addresses the safeguarding of assets and will provide the student with the tools for developing their own financial plan. Topics may include financial planning, developing personal financial statements and plans, insurance needs, basic taxing theories, and stock market options for personal financial planning.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
FIN 201. Fundamentals of Finance. 3 Credit Hours.
Basic methods and principles of finance, such as money and banking, financing working capital and fixed capital needs, stocks and bonds, the marketing of securities, and the working of financial institutions.
Prerequisites: ACC 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or department approval and Reading Proficiency