Economics (ECO)
Course Descriptions
ECO 140. Introduction to Economics (MOTR ECON 100). 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Economics is a study of basic economic concepts, institutions, and policies, (both macroeconomics and microeconomics) necessary for a general understanding of the economy. Students who intend to transfer to a business administration program should take the two-course undergraduate sequence in Economics, ECO 151 and ECO 152, instead of ECO 140.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 140S, or placement into MTH 140, MTH 160, or MTH 185, and Reading Proficiency
ECO 151. Principles of Macroeconomics (MOTR ECON 101). 3 Credit Hours.
Principles of Macroeconomics presents an introductory description and analysis of economics from a national perspective. Included are the basic concepts relating to the demand and supply model, macroeconomic data, trends and fluctuations in macroeconomic variables, simple models of the macroeconomy, fiscal and monetary policy, and economic growth.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 140S, or placement into MTH 140, MTH 160 or MTH 185, and Reading Proficiency
ECO 152. Principles of Microeconomics (MOTR ECON 102). 3 Credit Hours.
Principles of Microeconomics develops tools and models to explore the behavior of individuals and firms. The course develops the demand and supply model to examine outcomes in both output and input markets, explores market failures, compares behaviors in competitive and noncompetitive markets, examines the economic concept of cost, and uses comparative advantage to explain both local and international trade.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 140S, or placement into MTH 140, MTH 160, or MTH 185, and Reading Proficiency