Criminal Justice (CRJ)
Course Descriptions
CRJ 101. American Correctional System. 3 Credit Hours.
American Correctional System focuses on the history, philosophy, theory, and practice of offender punishment and rehabilitation in the United States. It includes a survey of institutional and community corrections operations and an examination of the constitutional rights of offenders.
Prerequisites: Prior or concurrent enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 111. Rules of Criminal Evidence. 3 Credit Hours.
Rules of Criminal Evidence examines the rules of evidence as they relate to the investigation, prosecution, and defense of criminal cases. Major topics focus on the procedures and rules of evidence as they apply to the acquisition, offering, admissibility, and presentation of evidence from crime scene to courtroom.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 122. Introduction to Criminal Justice. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Criminal Justice is a survey of the history and philosophy of the criminal justice system in America. The course examines the three major components: police, courts, and corrections. Emphasis will be given to the system's response to crime in society as well as theories of crime, punishment, and rehabilitation.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
CRJ 123. Juvenile Justice. 3 Credit Hours.
Juvenile Justice gives students an overview of American juvenile justice in terms of both system and practice. It examines the juvenile offender, causes of juvenile crime, the juvenile court system, and juveniles in the adult court system. This course also looks at institutionalization, rehabilitation, the treatment of juveniles, and the future of juvenile justice in America.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 124. Criminal Law and Procedures. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminal Law and Procedures introduces students to the study of American criminal law and procedure. Major topics of study include the purposes of criminal law, the elements of criminal law, defenses and justifications, and constitutional limitations.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 129. Introduction to Law Enforcement. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Law Enforcement is an examination of American law enforcement on the local, state, and federal levels. Major topics include the historical development of law enforcement, the role of law enforcement in the criminal justice system, laws of arrest, search and seizure requirements and limitations, contemporary police organizations, methods of department operation, and the relationship of the police to the communities they serve. (Credit is only allowed for either CRJ 129 or CRJ 207.)
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 206. Diversity and Criminal Justice. 3 Credit Hours.
Diversity and Criminal Justice provides an in-depth examination of the opportunities and challenges of delivering criminal justice services in a diverse society. Emphasis is placed on an understanding of the diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges that exist in criminal justice agencies and their interactions with the public. It examines issues of bias, prejudice, and discriminatory practices as factors contributing to conflict and provides both theoretical and practical information to effectively deliver services.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 209. Criminal Justice Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminal Justice Practicum is a field work experience in a program-approved criminal justice organization. Students are expected to commit themselves to 150 hours of work experience during the semester.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: CRJ 211
CRJ 211. Criminal Justice Practicum Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminal Justice Practicum Seminar is the discussion and analysis in small groups of the Criminal Justice Practicum experience.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Corequisites: CRJ 209
CRJ 212. Criminal Investigation. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminal Investigation introduces students to the fundamentals of criminal investigations, including the investigation of violent and property crimes. Major topics include best practices for processing crime scenes, evidentiary considerations, interviewing witnesses and victims, interrogation, report writing, and testifying in court.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
CRJ 218. Criminal Justice Policy. 3 Credit Hours.
Criminal Justice Policy examines the foundations of criminal justice policy including its creation, implementation, and assessment. Topics include the politics of crime, the influence of research on policy, the consequences of criminal justice policy, and current trends in criminal justice policy.
Prerequisites: Concurrent or prior enrollment in CRJ 122 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency