Business Administration (BUS)
Course Descriptions
BUS 101. Small Business Management. 3 Credit Hours.
A comprehensive survey course which deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of starting and operating a small business. Each major function of business (accounting, production, marketing) is discussed with particular reference to small business. Students taking this course are normally not encouraged to enroll subsequently in BUS 104 due to similarity of course content.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
BUS 103. Business Mathematics. 3 Credit Hours.
This course includes a review of basic arithmetic fractions, decimals, ratios, non-decimal numbering systems, and graphical representation of numbers. It also covers fundamental problems involving interest, mark-ups, commissions, payroll, taxes, depreciation, consumer credit, insurance and security transactions. Students will analyze simple financial statements, discounts, volume/profit relationships, and banking records.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
BUS 104. Introduction to Business Administration. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Business Administration is a survey course designed to give the student general knowledge of the modern business world and the environments within which it exists. Students are introduced to functional areas that work together to create products and services.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
BUS 201. Elementary Business Statistics. 3 Credit Hours.
Elementary Statistics provides an introduction to the basic principles and methods of statistical measurement and statistical inference. Descriptive statistical concepts include data organization and presentation, measures of location, dispersion, and shape, and probability theory and distributions. Applications of statistical inference include random sampling techniques, sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing for one and two populations, correlation, and regression analysis.
Prerequisites: MTH 160 with a minimum grade of "C" or MTH 185 or higher with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
BUS 250. Workplace Learning: Business and Economics. 1-3 Credit Hours.
This experiential course provides the student the opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by a professional in the field and a faculty member. Students will observe and participate in the functions of the business to enhance their preparation for entering the field. Minimum 50 hours per credit hour in the workplace throughout the term.
Prerequisites: Department approval and Reading Proficiency