Art (AT)
Course Descriptions
AT 100. Hardware Configuration and Troubleshooting: Macintosh/Windows. 1 Credit Hour.
This course will address setting up the computer and connecting peripheral devices such as cameras, scanners and printers; partitioning the hard drive, adding RAM, installing software and virus protection, and troubleshooting simple problems. Advanced topics include networking and using a server. Additional lab hours may be required.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 121. Watercolor I. 3 Credit Hours.
A foundation course covering basic watercolor techniques and materials including washes, wet-into-wet, glazing, shading, color mixing and layering. Course will emphasize development of skills, diverse approaches and an individual style. Through the study of both contemporary and traditional watercolors, students will become familiar with the amazing potential of this medium. Class will paint a variety of subjects including still lifes and nature. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 121 or ART 571.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 135. Web Design I. 3 Credit Hours.
Web Design I builds a foundation for researching, creating, and developing online experiences that effectively deliver design and content for web-based communications. Industry-standard software will be used and basic coding and style languages will be covered. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 135 or AT 142.)
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 143. Web Design II. 3 Credit Hours.
Web Design II stresses advanced methods and practices of creating experiences in interactive and online digital media. Students learn and use contemporary web languages, styling, and study content management systems. User-centered design and interactivity for a variety of devices is investigated.
Prerequisites: AT 135 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 146. 3D Modeling I: Surface Modeling. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on the development of three-dimensional models for use in multimedia, industrial design, and character development. Creation of 3D objects and spatial environments will be studied, in addition to photorealistic rendering, texture mapping and lighting techniques. Additional studio lab hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 131 or ART 275 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 151. Interior Specifications, Materials, and Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is an in depth analysis of materials used in interior environments. Students will gain experience in the process of researching, evaluating, selecting, and specifying appropriate materials for interior environments. Special emphasis is placed on textiles and sustainable materials. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 151 or ART 119.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 152. Lighting Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Lighting Design introduces students to the functional and technical aspects of designing interior environments utilizing artificial and natural lighting. Topics include: lighting sources, fixture selection, color and human response, lighting calculations, codes, and application of lighting principles to residential and commercial interior design projects. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 152 or AT 200.)
Prerequisites: ART 151 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 175. Video Art I. 3 Credit Hours.
Students will explore video art as a personal expressive media for the individual artist, including work with specific software programs, sound equipment, and other tools used in the contemporary art world. Students will have the opportunity to investigate these technologies as they combine the various media to make artistic statements based on personal concerns and aesthetic decisions. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 175 or ART 289.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 177. Jewelry and Metalsmithing. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce students to jewelry design and metalsmithing techniques. Students will be exposed to a variety of fabrication methods from a selection of cold-joining, soldering, sawing and piercing, metal forming, roll-printing, hammer and chasing, toll texturing, bezel stone-setting, pin backing systems, casting, and surface finishing. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 177 or ART 537.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 195. Special Topics in Graphic Design. 1-3 Credit Hours.
This course allows for the exploration of special topics as they emerge in the field of graphic design, maintaining a curriculum of problem solving and critical thinking. Additional hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 201. Mixed Media. 3 Credit Hours.
An introduction to mixed media (assemblage) art; the complementary component for design, drawing and figure drawing. An incorporation of all aspects of picture-making with an emphasis on experimentation, process and concepts with paint integration in the visual arts. Additional lab hours required.
Prerequisites: ART 107 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 140 with a minimum grade of "C", ART 109 with a minimum grade of "C", and Reading Proficiency
AT 204. Comic Book Illustration I. 3 Credit Hours.
This course emphasizes the basics of comic book illustration and techniques associated with this popular genre. Various materials and techniques will be explored to produce formatted comic strips. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 204 or AT 596.)
Prerequisites: ART 138 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 205. Dimensional Illustration I. 3 Credit Hours.
Students interested in Illustration will go beyond usual two-dimensional art methods to create dimensional art. Various material and techniques will be explored to introduce unique three-dimensional sculpture-based art methods to students. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 205 or AT 560.)
Prerequisites: ART 138 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 207. Motion Media Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Motion Media Design challenges students to use still imagery, typography, sound, special effects, video and other digital media to develop animated, motion graphic sequences and short videos in a design and communications context. Industry standard software and related technology is used to create projects that demonstrate and combine technical skills with conceptual themes.
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 208. Fantasy Illustration I. 3 Credit Hours.
Students interested in Illustration will learn the basics and techniques used on books and gaming covers. The student will utilize skills learned in drawing for graphics and illustration to execute imaginative and creative illustrations. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 208 or AT 587.)
Prerequisites: ART 138 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 210. Drawing Problems. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on drawing problems of an advanced nature. It will stress the continued development of individual ideas formulated in ART 210. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 210 or AT 553.)
Prerequisites: ART 210 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 212. Special Topics in Photography. 3 Credit Hours.
Special Topics in Photography allows for specialized study within the medium of photography by concentrating on a select set of materials, techniques, concepts, or aesthetic issues.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 213. Advanced Ceramics. 3 Credit Hours.
A self-directed learning experience for students. Course work may include throwing, glaze formulation, hand-building and kiln firing. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 213 or ART 214.)
Prerequisites: ART 213 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 215. Advanced Printmaking. 3 Credit Hours.
A continuation of ART 115 and ART 215. Students will pursue a more individual course of instruction and portfolio development in the printmaking media. The student will choose from media taught in ART 115 and ART 215 to develop a portfolio of professional prints. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 215 or ART 504.)
Prerequisites: ART 215 with a minimum grade of "C" or permission of coordinator and Reading Proficiency
AT 221. Watercolor II. 3 Credit Hours.
An expansion and application of the basic watercolor techniques from the foundation course AT 121 through a series of paintings. Course will emphasize color theory, composition and development of an individual style along with study of master watercolorists both past and present. Students will paint a variety of subjects including still lifes, landscape and the human figure. Development of individual response and fluency of technique will be emphasized. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 221 or ART 598.)
Prerequisites: AT 121 with a minimum grade of "C" or permission of coordinator and Reading Proficiency
AT 225. Watercolor III. 3 Credit Hours.
An expansion of AT 221. The self-motivated student will work on advanced watercolor techniques in specific assignments and in self-directed paintings. Course will emphasize advanced color theory and development of content, subject matter, personal style and the ability to self-critique, with significant input from the instructor. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 225 or AT 504.)
Prerequisites: AT 221 with a minimum grade of "C" or permission of coordinator and Reading Proficiency
AT 227. Three-Dimensional Studio. 3 Credit Hours.
Three-Dimensional Studio provides the opportunity for students to pursue focused study in three-dimensional expression. Emphasis will be placed on concept development and empower the student to explore themes of personal interest. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 227 or AT 117.)
Prerequisites: AT 213 with a minimum grade of "C" or ART 216 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 229. Advanced Painting Projects. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will develop the painting and perceptual skills of students. The course is taught with an emphasis on individual study. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 229 or ART 502.)
Prerequisites: ART 214 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 233. Concept Development for Animation. 3 Credit Hours.
Concept Development for Animation explores artistic techniques, storyboarding, and design principles used in creating compelling visual narratives. Students utilize industry-standard tools and technologies to solve various creative problems through the use of sequential art and visual development projects for advertisements, video games, and animations. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 233 or ART 279.)
Prerequisites: ART 111 and ART 131 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 234. Fundamentals of Animation. 3 Credit Hours.
Fundamentals of Animation explores tools and techniques used by professional animators to create convincing illusions and natural motion. Students learn the principles of animation and apply them to the production of original moving sequences. Emphasis is on deliberate timing, believable form structure, and expressive movement. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 234 or ART 276.)
Prerequisites: ART 111 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 235. Advanced Motion and Interactive Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced Motion and Interactive Design explores techniques for the planning, development, and execution of animated videos and interactive projects. A primary emphasis is the combining of dynamic aesthetic and contemporary digital practices in the creation of user-centered designs and motion-based narratives. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 235 or AT 546.)
Prerequisites: ART 233 or AT 233 with minimum grade of “C” and Reading Proficiency
AT 242. History of Graphic Communications. 3 Credit Hours.
History of Graphic Communications examines the major eras, styles, and developments of design and applied arts from the dawn of writing until present day. The course uses a global perspective to investigate technological progress, regional innovations, political influences, and cultural contexts of graphic communications across the vast and evolving design professions. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 242 or AT 202.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 246. Advanced Computer Art Applications. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced Computer Art Applications uses industry-standard software for the purpose and development of expressive digital techniques, creative dimensional designs, and exploratory image making methods that apply to graphic communications and illustration studies. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 246 or ART 272.)
Prerequisites: ART 131 and ART 133 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 251. Computer Aided Kitchen and Bath Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Utilizing 3-D design software, students will learn to layout, design and specify residential kitchens and baths. Students will create 2-D and 3-D visual presentations and renderings of kitchen and bath interiors. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 251 or AT 554.)
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
AT 254. Workplace Learning: Interior Design. 3 Credit Hours.
This experiential course provides the student the opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by a professional in the field and a faculty member. Students will observe and participate in the functions of the interior design industry to enhance their preparation for entering the field. Minimum 150 hours in the workplace throughout the term. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 254 or ART 236.)
Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of the first year of program, department approval and Reading Proficiency
AT 276. Photo Imaging II: Photoshop. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores intermediate methods of working with continuous tone images in an efficient manner. Topics include refinements in tonal and color adjustment tools, masking tools, typography tools, color modes, sharpening procedures, and compositing techniques. A portfolio of color images will be produced by the end of the course emphasizing the individual expressiveness of the student. Additional studio hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 276 or ART 206.)
Prerequisites: ART 275 with a minimum grade of "C", concurrent or prior enrollment in ART 108 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 279. Alternative Photographic Processes. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores the use of non-traditional methods, and a variety of hand-applied emulsions, to produce photographic images. Students will have the opportunity to create prints using historic processes (cyanotype, Van Dyke brown, gum bichromate, etc.) on a variety of papers or fabrics, as well as working with other light-based formats. Additional lab hours may be required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 279 or ART 117.)
Prerequisites: ART 165 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 280. Advanced Photography. 1-4 Credit Hours.
This course is a course that emphasizes both the conceptual and technical challenges of creating a cohesive, related body of work for either a portfolio or exhibition. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 280 or ART 503.)
Prerequisites: ART 166 and ART 172 with minimum grades of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 282. Workplace Learning: Graphic Communications. 1-3 Credit Hours.
This experiential course provides the student the opportunity to apply theory and skills learned in the classroom, learn new skills, and explore career possibilities while supervised by a professional in the field and a faculty member. Students will observe and participate in the functions of the business to enhance their preparation for entering the field. Minimum of 50 hours per credit in the workplace throughout the term is required.
Prerequisites: ART 234 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
AT 283. Digital Media Portfolio. 2 Credit Hours.
Preparing effective presentations of creative work within current digital formats is the focus of this course. Students will learn to edit, record and prepare material for the development of an effective portfolio, aiding the completion of their studies in various career programs. Additional lab hours required. (Credit is only allowed for either AT 283 or AT 160.)
Prerequisites: ART 131 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency
Recommended Preparation: Permission of program coordinator
AT 287. Architectural Graphics and Technology II. 3 Credit Hours.
Architectural Graphics and Technology II builds upon previous computer-aided interior design knowledge and introduces students to methods for utilizing building information modeling (BIM) software to create interior design drawings. Students will create presentation drawings, construction documents, schedules, and construction details for interior environments utilizing BIM software.
Prerequisites: ART 154 and ART 251 with minimum grades of "C", and Reading Proficiency
AT 291. Fine Art Portfolio and Professional Practices. 3 Credit Hours.
Fine Art Portfolio and Professional Practices is advanced studio work with an individualized focus. A variety of art media may be employed based on the student’s concentration. The development of professional practices will be emphasized. Topics covered may include resume writing, creating an artist’s statement, developing promotional materials and a personal art website, gallery etiquette, and presenting one’s work in a professional manner.
Prerequisites: ART 210 with a minimum grade of "C" and Reading Proficiency