Student Success
Academic, Career, and Transfer Advising
Student Success Advisors assist students in clarifying their educational goals and in developing strategies to achieve those goals. Student Success Advisors provide students with information about programs of study, course requirements, and college policies and procedures as well as assistance and tools to clarify and take action on their career path. Academic plans developed by advisors and students lead to the timely completion of degrees or certificates. For students who plan to transfer, an advisor can explore with them the transfer requirements and suggest appropriate coursework; however, the responsibility for course selection and meeting degree and transfer requirements rests with each student. Advisors also provide assistance to students facing barriers to their education including referrals to tutoring, counseling, and other non-academic needs. Advising also offers students assistance in the development of a resume and cover letter, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.
Academic Success and Tutoring
Academic Success and Tutoring department is now aligned with Pathways to better serve all students. Each campus offers tutoring in learning strategies, mathematics, writing, and other specialized subjects, supplemented by virtual tutoring opportunities for areas not covered on-site.
Our tutoring services provide personalized assistance to enhance classroom instruction and support academic success. Students can access these resources on both a walk-in and appointment basis, making them a valuable resource for all students. Whether you are looking to strengthen your understanding of course material, improve your skills, or simply get ahead, our tutoring services are designed to help you achieve your academic goals.
Access Office, Disability Support Services
The college offers support services for students who have documented disabilities of a temporary or permanent nature. The Access Office provides the following services:
- Coordination of classroom and testing accommodations and support services.
- Individual advising and academic counseling.
- Consultation with faculty and staff members regarding student accommodation needs.
- Liaison with community professionals and agencies.
To qualify for services, students must contact the Access Office of their choice in order to complete the Application for Services and schedule an initial meeting. Accommodations are generally not provided retroactively, so it is important for students to apply for accommodations and provide documentation early in the enrollment process. This allows more time to implement reasonable accommodations. Please note, there is no deadline to apply for services, as students may submit their application and documentation any time during their tenure at the college.
For more information, contact the Access Office at the campus of your choice.
St. Louis Community College collects and uses assessment data to improve student learning, academic achievement, and overall institutional effectiveness. When combined with thoughtful interpretation by faculty and staff, assessment supports the overall decision-making needs of the college and the specific decision-making needs of individual units and programs.
Students often are asked to participate in assessment activities to provide key information to college officials and inform decision-making about STLCC educational programs or student services. Such assessments are intended to provide helpful information to administrators and do not impact students‘ grades or academic standing. Faculty, staff, and administrators regularly assess the performance of courses, programs, or departments to ensure that their desired outcomes are being achieved. Outcomes assessment is the means by which St. Louis Community College can guarantee that it is fulfilling its mission to make data informed decisions that are in the best interest of the students and the institution. This mission-based approach to assessment helps the college focus its efforts and keep its promise to the St. Louis community.
Placement Tests
St. Louis Community College uses multiple measures for placing students into their initial courses including previous course work, high school GPA, and standardized test scores. Placement testing may be required prior to advisement and registration. St. Louis Community College uses a computerized placement test. The placement test gives essential information about prospective students' academic skills and needs. Test results indicate whether students are college ready or will require additional support for college-level academics.
Reading and English
STLCC may waive the reading and/or the English portions of the placement test if students provide documentation of one of the following:
- An ACT score earned within the last three years:
- A reading score of 18 or above to waive the reading test.
- An English score of 18 or above to waive the writing test.
- A high school GPA of 2.6 or higher will waive the reading and English tests.
- A college transcript or grade report documenting successful completion (with a grade of C or higher) or reading and writing course prerequisites.
- College credit from an accredited institution will waive the reading test.
STLCC may waive the mathematics portion of the placement test if students provide documentation of one of the following:
- An ACT math score of 19 or above.
- A GPA and ACT or Accuplacer math score that places the student in a college-level math course using the placement tool.
If documentation cannot be provided, students will be required to take the appropriate placement tests. Scores will remain valid for up to three years from the semester in which the test was taken; thereafter, students will be required to retake the test. GPAs do not expire. Contact the Testing Center for hours of operation.
If you are a student with a disability and need accommodations for your entry assessment, call the Access office for an appointment prior to testing. You must provide current written documentation of a disability. For more information, contact the campus Access office. Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may call via Relay Missouri by dialing 711.
Assessment at St. Louis Community College occurs at a number of other points and for a number of different reasons:
Course Assessment
In course assessment, academic faculty and administrators decide which courses to assess and which assessment measures to use. The goal is to gather the information that will allow departments to make collegewide changes in courses to increase student learning. These ongoing assessments are necessary to sustain the credibility and transferability of courses and the programs which require them.
Program Assessment
The college offers a number of programs, both academic and career, which are assessed to ensure that they are meeting the standards set both by professionals in the field and various accrediting agencies. Doing so assures students that they are participating in programs whose standards are recognized and accepted by other programs and institutions.
Institutional Assessment
The college assesses its various services and operations on an annual basis. College and student support services are assessed to determine how well they are accomplishing their institutional mission. Various external agencies expect colleges to assess and improve student learning and institutional effectiveness. These agencies include regional accrediting bodies like the Higher Learning Commission, professional accrediting bodies for career programs like nursing as well as government agencies.
Districtwide varsity sports offered by the College include baseball, Esports, softball, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, and men’s and women’s soccer. Students attending any STLCC location can participate in districtwide varsity sports.
The College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Missouri Community College Athletic Conference.
Banner Self-Service
Students have access to enrollment, financial aid, and personal information by logging into Banner Self-Service. Students can also view and print their schedules, pay for classes, and set up e-cashier payment plans.
Campus Life
Campus Life creates a vibrant community that supports student engagement and success by providing opportunities for all students to develop a sense of belonging and connection. Campus Life sponsors various social, educational, cultural, and civic events and activities. Opportunities for leadership development are available through student government, clubs and organizations, honorary societies, student publications, and special interest groups. Providing opportunities to engage in campus events and join student organizations promotes students’ leadership development and personal growth, as well as improved relationships with others. For informal gatherings, the campuses provide facilities such as multi-purpose meeting rooms, lounges, study areas, and cafeterias. Engaging in campus life initiatives supports students’ academic success and leadership development.
Many of the College's courses have learning modes other than fully online that use the Canvas learning management system to share course messages and documents, participate in discussions, and for assignment and test submissions. Students may log into their Canvas account using the student resources page. Additionally, all registered students are automatically enrolled in an orientation course in Canvas which provides detailed information on the use of its features.
Child Care
The Child Development Centers located at the Forest Park and Florissant Valley campuses offer child care services for children of students when classes are in session. For more information, visit the Child Care webpage. STLCC also participates in the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program, a federally funded grant that provides supplemental child care funding for enrolled parenting students who qualify for Pell grants. The CCAMPIS program covers a portion of child care costs for children six weeks to 12 years of age. For more information, visit the CCAMPIS program webpage.
Counseling Services
Well-qualified professional mental health counselors are available to assist students working through a variety of concerns that may arise while attending college. Licensed counselors can help students balance the multiple roles and responsibilities of being a successful student, parent, spouse and/or employee; manage stress and anxieties, and resolve personal problems or other issues that may interfere with college success. Counselors are available by appointment, or as needed in a crisis situation. All services are confidential and free to STLCC students. For more information, visit the Counseling Service webpage.
Degree Works
Degree Works is St. Louis Community College's web-based degree audit tool that facilitates the monitoring of progress toward degree requirements and developing a plan toward completion.
The degree audit is accessed through Banner-Self Service for current students.
Distance Learning
Distance Learning is a flexible educational option where some or all instruction occurs when students and instructors are not in the same location. Using technology, these courses achieve the same learning outcomes as traditional classroom courses.
Instruction can be:
- Asynchronous: Learning happens online using technology, and students and instructors are rarely online at the same time. While there are set due dates each week that must be met, students can choose when to participate and complete course activities.
- Synchronous: Learning happens in real-time, with students and instructors online at the same time through the use of technology.
Regardless of the method, student learning outcomes are consistent across all course delivery formats. Reliable access to the necessary technology and the Internet is required for participation. For more details, visit Ways to Learn at STLCC.
Face-to-Face Courses
A course consisting of instruction and assessment delivered primarily in the classroom setting.
Online Courses
A fully online course where all instruction is delivered over the internet. In some courses, students may need to take exams in person at an STLCC testing center, an approved testing center in their area, or virtually using STLCC's virtual proctoring solution. Additionally, certain classes may require students to be online at specific times to participate in live sessions or activities.
Hybrid (Blended) Courses
A course consisting of both online and face-to-face instruction and assessment. Some campus attendance will be required for the successful completion of these courses.
Live Virtual Lecture (LVL) Courses
A course conducted online, where students meet at a designated date and time using a streaming service. Attendance during class time is mandatory for lectures and interactive learning experiences with faculty and classmates in real-time. For students enrolled in LVL courses, reliable Internet access, a webcam, and a microphone are necessary. Students should anticipate turning on their cameras and actively participating in live course activities.
Flexibility Requires Responsibility
Online and hybrid courses offer students flexibility because there are very few or no scheduled class meetings. Students who participate in online and hybrid courses must be self-motivated, independent learners with good to very good computer and internet skills. These courses have deadlines just like traditional classes, and students will need excellent time management skills to succeed.
Students taking online or hybrid courses should have access to a computer with a reliable high-speed internet connection. Online and hybrid courses rely on email for most communication, so students should activate their STLCC email account and check it daily. More information about student email activation is available on the Get Connected webpage. STLCC uses the Canvas learning management system for online coursework. Resources to help students access and become familiar with Canvas are available on the Online-Education webpage.
To determine if online classes will be a good fit for you, complete the SmarterMeasure online learning readiness assessment. Log into SmarterMeasure; type in "online" as the Username and "learner" as the Password. SmarterMeasure will provide you with information and tools to help you succeed in online courses. If you have questions or need assistance, contact the Online Education Department at 314-513-4771 or
First Year Experience
The First Year Experience at STLCC begins with Archer Orientation, which consists of virtual and in-person options to help orient students to their campus and the various resources and programs available to them at STLCC. After orientation, the First Year Experience consists of monthly learning modules, seminars, and additional co-curricular programming to help new students transition to college, as well as to develop skills crucial to their success at STLCC and beyond. For more information, visit the First Year Experience webpage.
Higher Education Opportunity Act
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that St. Louis Community College take action to address the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including music, video and programs. If a student uses college technology resources to perform unauthorized distribution or sharing of such materials, the student will be in violation of college policy as well as subject to criminal and/or civil prosecution for violation of copyright and other federal and state laws.
The college monitors its computer systems to protect against such activity. Outside organizations are also able to trace activity involving copyrighted materials. If a violation is detected by either the college or an outside organization, student access to college technological resources will be immediately disabled. Students will need to communicate with the appropriate administrator before privileges will be reinstated. The student will also be subject to disciplinary action by the college.
The information will also be turned over to the appropriate authorities for possible criminal and/or civil prosecution.
Learn more about the Higher Education Opportunity Act.
Honors Program
The Honors Program at STLCC exists to challenge and support students with high aspirations and to offer them enriched learning opportunities through Honors courses and Honors Projects (known also as Honors Contracts). The program promotes academic and intellectual excellence as it celebrates performance above and beyond the usual expectations. Through shared academic, cultural and social activities, the program stimulates interest in lifelong learning, and rewards excellence by supporting conference attendance and preparing Honors scholars to achieve their transfer and career goals. It creates a model of a community of scholars which will serve the students in the future.
Students may apply for admission to the Honors Program on the STLCC Honors Program website. Consideration for admission to the program is based on any of the following criteria: a 3.5 or better cumulative GPA in either high school or college based on a 4.0 scale, recommendation of an STLCC faculty member, a score of 1100 or better on the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), or a score of 25 or better on the American College Testing Program Assessment (ACT). Students without these admissions criteria, including dual credit/dual enrolled students and those who earned a GED, are welcome to apply for the Honors Program. Consideration for probationary admission is at the discretion of a campus coordinator.
Students may earn honors credit either by enrolling in honors courses or completing honors projects within regular courses. An honors designation is added to a student’s transcript for successful completion of honors work within a course. Graduates who earn 15 credit hours of honors credit and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 will receive the designation of Honors Program Scholar on their diplomas and transcripts.
Honors students may apply for a limited number of scholarships through a campus coordinator.
For more information and to apply, contact the Honors Coordinator on a campus in which you are registered. Contact information is available on the STLCC Honors Program website. Online students may apply with any campus coordinator.
International Education
St. Louis Community College offers opportunities for students, faculty, staff and community members to learn about the world through study abroad experiences, international exchanges and partnerships, intercultural programs, and globalized curriculum. The programs cover various academic subjects and world destinations each year. Participants gain knowledge and skills that make them more competitive in the global workforce. To learn more about International Education at STLCC, call us at 314-644-9671 or email the International Education Coordinator.
At the campus libraries and through the STLCC Libraries’ website, students will find information resources to support their work in any program offered by the college. In addition to physical books and periodicals available at the libraries, students may access many of our online resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Computers, printers, quiet study spaces and collaborative study areas are available at each of the campus libraries. Students may also borrow laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots, and other equipment to support their educational needs. Research help is offered in person on a drop-in basis during the Libraries’ open hours. Online research help is available 24 hours a day, 6.5 days a week through chat. Registered students of the college may use and check out books from STLCC campus libraries and from most of the academic libraries in the state, through the MOBIUS Consortium. Student ID cards serve as library cards and are valid at all member libraries.
Parking on Campus
Parking tags are required on all vehicles using campus parking facilities. Parking tags are available at the Campus Life or Student Services offices on campus. Parking tags never expire.
Accessible parking tags are available for students with physical disabilities. To learn more, contact the Disability Services office on your campus.
Student Advocacy and Resource Center
The Student Advocacy and Resource Center (SARC) provides support and resources for students experiencing barriers that may hinder their successful enrollment and continued success at St. Louis Community College. Services are tailored to meet the individual needs of each student and include helping students identify and access assistance programs for child care, food insecurity, healthcare, homelessness, interpersonal or domestic violence, transportation, utility assistance, and more. The Archers' Market food and toiletry pantry provides students in need of a place to access available resources and learn about additional programs and services. SARC resources and services are available for all STLCC students. Other services include creating action plans with students to resolve problems interfering with their education and learn self-advocacy. Students in need of program verification or support with public assistance programs should also connect with the Student Advocacy and Resource Center. For more information, visit the Student Advocacy and Resource Center webpage.
Student ID Cards
New students age 17 or older enrolled in credit courses are required to activate an STLCC OneCard. Photos can be taken in the Campus Life office at Florissant Valley, Forest Park, and Meramec, or the Information Desk at Wildwood, South County Education Center, and Harrison Education Center. This card is the college’s student identification card and can be used as a debit card depending on your selected refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit BankMobile Disbursements website for more information. The card is also required for checking out library books and other materials; for use of recreational facilities, and learning labs; attending student activities and sporting events, and for personal check approval. Learn more about how to obtain your STLCC OneCard.
Study Help
We're here to support you every step of the way on your academic journey! At our college, we're committed to helping students succeed. If you ever encounter difficulties with your academic work, remember that you're not alone. Your instructors are to help and guide you.
Additionally, we understand that sometimes studying with peers can be incredibly beneficial. That's why we've introduced a new feature in Navigate, called Study Buddies that allows you to find classmates who are also looking for study groups. Together, you can collaborate, support each other, and achieve your academic goals.
If you find that you need extra assistance with study habits or fundamental skills we are here to help! Through our Academic Support and Academic Success and Tutoring departments we offer personalized solutions to address any study challenges you may face, empowering you to excel in your coursework and beyond. You can easily make an appointment online through Navigate.
View the STLCC Online Bookstore and Campus Store webpage for information about your textbooks.
You can purchase your textbooks and course materials online at the STLCC Online Bookstore website. It is advised to order early as shipping textbooks can take up to five business days. Students are able to use financial aid and other scholarship/awards, two weeks before classes start, on the STLCC Online Bookstore website.
To view and/or purchase your textbooks:
- Visit STLCC Online Bookstore.
- Log in with your MySTLCC ID and password.
- Select Textbooks.
- Check out and deliver.
Note: Textbooks and course materials will not be housed on any campus. Students must visit the website to place online orders and have textbooks shipped to their home or to campus, while digital course material access is emailed.
TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program designed to support first-generation college students, students with disabilities, and/or students with limited income who meet federal income guidelines. TRIO SSS programs offer a variety of support services including academic advising, career exploration, transfer planning, education to improve financial and economic literacy, information in applying for Federal Student Aid, assistance with completing the FAFSA, academic tutoring & success planning, peer mentoring and more. For more information, visit the TRIO Student Support Services webpage.