Enrollment and Attendance

Attendance and Withdrawal

Students who are officially listed on the roster are expected to attend classes. Excessive absences, as determined and specified by the instructor in the course syllabus, may impact a student's grade and ultimately result in a failing grade for any course. Attendance requirements should be outlined during the first class meeting.

At the end of the second week of classes (first week for summer and interim sessions), students who have registered and paid for a class but are reported by the instructor as never attended will be dropped. Classes less than a full semester in length may have different administrative drop dates. The class will be shown on the transcript with a grade of W, and students may be eligible for a refund of a portion of fees. After this period the student will not be automatically dropped. It is always the student’s responsibility to initiate a withdrawal. Dual credit students are not dropped for non-attendance.

Students deciding to withdraw from a class are encouraged to talk to the instructor and an academic advisor first. To formally withdraw, students must do so online (dual credit/enrollment students cannot withdraw online and should contact the office of Dual Credit/Enrollment Partnerships for support).  After withdrawal, students are not allowed to attend class. To receive a grade of W for the course, the withdrawal process must be completed prior to the end of the college’s 12th week of classes. Late-start, dual credit, and short-term courses have different withdrawal deadlines. Refer to the STLCC College website for appropriate withdrawal time frame.

Class Preparation

On average, at least two hours of outside study and preparation are needed for each hour of regular classroom work. Therefore, students enrolled for 15 credit hours should budget a minimum of 30 clock hours per week for study outside class and laboratory meetings.

Credit/Course Load

The unit of credit is the semester hour. Normally, one credit may be earned in a lecture course that meets for one hour each week during a semester. In a laboratory course, one credit usually is granted for two to three hours in a lab each week during the semester.

Course load is the total number of credit hours spent in class each week during a semester. Students enrolled in at least 12 credit hours are classified as full-time and normally carry a course load of 12 to 18 credit hours. Students intending to register for more than 18 credit hours must obtain approval from the Manager of Student Success.

Final Examinations

A final, culminating experience is required for each course and may take the form of a test, paper, project, or other activity appropriate for the course. Completion of the final, culminating experience is required for receipt of a passing grade. Some portion of the final, culminating experience must occur during the scheduled final exam period. Absences from the final examination and the privilege of a make-up examination must be approved by the instructor.

Grade Reports

The Registrar’s office maintains records of academic performance for all currently enrolled students. Grades indicating performance following mid-semester may be obtained directly through the instructor in accordance with the regulations contained in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. These grades are an assessment of academic progress but are not recorded as part of the permanent record. Mid-semester grades are not reported for any session. Final grades become part of students’ permanent records.

Students may view their final grades and print an unofficial transcript by logging into their student account.

Grades: Computed in Grade Point Average

The following grading symbols and points are used:

Grading Symbols Grade Points Percentages
A 4 Superior
B 3 Above Average
C 2 Average
D 1 Passing, Below Average1
F 0 Failure

A grade of D may be considered unsatisfactory for progress in some programs. 

Only grades earned at St. Louis Community College are included in the calculation of grade point averages for degrees and certificates.

Grades: Not Computed in Grade Point Average

I—Incomplete—This normally indicates students have completed a major portion of the work in a class and, for reasons approved by the instructor, are prevented from completing the amount of coursework required during the regular college term. Students must complete the coursework in the time frame established by the instructor, up to one calendar year, in order for the “I” to be changed to a letter grade. Student and instructor must enter into a written agreement describing the work to be completed, the grading criteria, and the time frame for completion. Upon satisfactory completion of all work by the student, the instructor will initiate an appropriate grade change.

After one year, if all requirements are not met, the “I” will change to a permanent grade of “F” on the student’s academic record. With the consent of the instructor, the one-year limit may be extended by the instructor, the department chair or dean. The written agreement must be given to the department chair, who, if an instructor leaves the employ of St. Louis Community College, will assure evaluation of any work that might be completed.

PR—Progress Re-enroll—Students who make progress in a course, but do not complete the predetermined minimum amount of course work may, at the discretion of the instructor, be given a PR so long as the PR grade was approved as an option for the course itself. This symbol represents no credits earned and carries no grade point value. Students are permitted to take the course again, but must pay tuition a second time.

R—Credit for Prior Learning—This signifies that credit has been earned by examination or prior learning assessment.  This type of credit does not meet the residency requirement for graduation.

T—Audit—A grade that signifies the student has no intent to earn credit for the purposes of graduation or GPA. It carries no implication concerning class attendance or skill accomplishment. The same fees and requirements as regular class members are expected. Students may change from audit to credit status or credit to audit status only during the period in which the 50 percent refund policy is in effect.  Auditing students are expected to meet the prerequisites and pay the required fees as credit-status students. 

S—Satisfactory—A grade indicating the award of credit. The earned credits count toward graduation but are not used in grade point average calculations.  The grade of an S can be awarded only in courses approved for this purpose under guidelines developed by the college.

U—Unsatisfactory—A grade indicating that no credit was awarded.  It is not used in GPA calculations. The grade of U can be awarded only in courses approved for this purpose under guidelines developed by the college.

W—Withdrawal— A grade that indicates the student withdrew from the course.

NG—No Grade—This is a temporary indication that the instructor has not assigned a grade.

Grades: Transfer Credit

TRA - Transfer Coursework, A - The grade of "TRA" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of an A.  The grade of "TRA" is not included in the GPA.

TRB - Transfer Coursework, B - The grade of "TRB" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of a B.  The grade of "TRB" is not included in the GPA.

TRC - Transfer Coursework, C - The grade of "TRC" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of a C.  The grade of "TRC" is not included in the GPA.

TRD - Transfer Coursework, D - The grade of "TRD" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of a D.  The grade of "TRD" is not included in the GPA.

TRP - Transfer Coursework, P - The grade of "TRP" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of a P.  The grade of "TRP" is not included in the GPA.

TR - Transfer Coursework, C or Better - The grade of "TR" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of C or better prior to Summer 2024.  The grade of "TR" is not included in the GPA.

TD - Transfer Coursework, D - The grade of "TD" indicates that the student transferred in classes from another school with a grade of D prior to Summer 2024.  The grade of "TD" is not included in the GPA.

Prolonged Absence from College

Following an absence from the College for five calendar years, a student may apply for a recalculation of grade point average with academic forgiveness. The student must apply for recalculation during his/her first year of enrollment after the five-year absence. The recalculation will be made only once in a student’s academic career at the College. All coursework below C will be removed from the calculation of the grade point average. Coursework removed from grade point calculation will not be used to meet degree requirements; however, all courses will remain on the student’s transcript.

Repeating Courses

When students repeat a course, the highest grade earned will be used in calculating hours and cumulative grade point average. However, all enrollments and grades earned will appear on the transcript. Before a third enrollment in the same course, a student should have authorization from an advisor.

Some transfer schools will recalculate grade point averages for admissions purposes and include all grades earned.